Showing posts from November, 2018Show All
Creative succulent terrarium inspirations
Winter Cherry - lat.solanum capsicastrum...
This plant will delight every person
4 Rules for the care of indoor Bonsai
Spathiphyllum disinfects air and beautifies any home
 How to Identify  Your Succulents plant
5 Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep Better And Purify Your Air
Amaryllis - striped collapse - lat. Hippeastrum
12 Annual Flowers that Can Take the Cold
Kalanchoe pumila – Flower Dust Plant
Ruschia pulvinaris (Creeping Shrubby Ice Plant)
Tridentea longipes
Stapelianthus pilosus
Portulaca grandiflora – Moss Rose, Eleven O’Clock
Plectranthus neochilus ‘Mike’s Fuzzy Wuzzy’ (Variegated Lobster Flower)
Euphorbia lactea ‘Cristata’ f. variegata
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