This plant will delight every person

Domestic happiness  (Latin brand-Helxine soleirolii) is an herb that is believed to bring good luck and happiness in the home in which it is grown. It may be an original gift, which clearly states how much happiness and joy we want the person to whom the sacrifice. Feng Shui philosophy claims that this plant stimulates the flow of positive energy.

Although reminiscent of the moss, these flowers adorned still small, dense, round green leaves. Domestic happiness grows as a small bush. Encourages the island of Sardinia and is not demanding for maintenance.

Care  home happiness  involves a few basic rules. Search sunlight, but no direct exposure to strong sunlight. Nice will thrive on goods shady places, but if you keep it in the house, choose for your home Fortunately place inside the window that overlooks the north.

The temperature feels she is in the range of 10 to 24 degrees.
Watering : Domestic happiness requires regular watering but not surpassing that root would not begun to rot. Be sure to get it wet leaves, but only the land. Leaves can from time to time with lukewarm spray rain water.

Replacement is not necessary

Domestic happiness does not require replanting. It is a plant that takes the form of a small bush or shrub, which do not need much space. Usually reaches a height of about 18 cm. The root of the weak, and he therefore does not need planting in large pots.

Reproduction in pruning

To achieve the desired shape and beautiful plants, in the spring it can prune the tops. Just cut off and shoots use for breeding domestic happiness. With larger plants, be sure to regularly trim the recalcitrant.

Cuttings or tops should only stick to the mixture of sand and peat, and with regular watering, it will quickly leave blood vessels.

Propagation can be done in another way: dig a spoon part Idras plants and plant it in a pot with soil. If you repot then stored in a cool, damp place - new home luck will soon begin to proliferate to meet the repot.

The charm of simplicity
The advantage of growing Home luck is that as its lush leaves themselves enough decoration, although this plant is often combined with other flowers.
You can combine it with a plant that flower, so you will be lucky Domestic green base - a base for decoration.

Domestic happiness and its cultivation in the garden

If you want to home happiness grow in the garden - for these are the most suitable flower pots. Place them next to the edges, paths in the garden, or in addition to gates and fences.

 In particular, will the garden look decorative home when luck combine with the Angiosperms.

In addition to pots and pans, domestic happiness often many gardening him as grass - because of the beautiful tiny leaves. It will easily and quickly spread throughout the substrate to form a beautiful green blanket and it does not need a lot of rich countries.

But you should know that temperatures are knives of 7 degrees, home happiness in the garden will not easily handle. If you are in pots, when it's cold, enter them in.

Domestic happiness is a plant that more than open space, likes warmth of home. In winter  it is necessary to keep it in the warm room with enough light.

If you leave the winter garden, freeze, but there are great chances that the first spring sunlight hurry new uzdanke and begin to grow and let the green leaves.
We should mention another plant which is also known as the Domestic happiness, Latin name: (Nertera granadensis).

 They call it even and coral moss. This plant forms a beautiful green carpet in which they were sprinkled with orange berries, fresh and over the winter, and is particularly beautiful, and  when the flower -  in the spring or early summer, yellow or white tiny flowers.

Comes from New Zealand. It is a bushy herbaceous perennial plant, which suited for home growing conditions, light and heat.
She can multiply by dividing the roots in spring or semen. The seed is derived from orange berries. Dry them completely, and then take the seeds that you sow.
In the garden, however, is grown as an annual plant.