Winter Cherry - lat.solanum capsicastrum...

Solanum kapsikastrum or even to be called "Jerusalem cherry" is quite famous house plant. From the small white, nondescript flowers develop yellow and orange-red fruits.

This house plant must not stand in too warm place, and best suits her airy and light rooms, or discard the leaves, despite sufficient watering. Water for irrigation should be lukewarm.

  Root bundle ie. Land must always be moist enough, and once a week it is necessary to save the known solution of fertilizer for flowers.

When early in the spring or fall berries shrivel, Solanum is removed from flower beds, shake off the old earth and the plant is planted in a new land for flowers.

At the same time, the plant may have cut short. After that preferably should be kept in the cold room as, or in a sunny spot.

In the second half of May, may be winter cherry when planning a garden dig in with a bowl in the garden on a sunny position. They breed during the summer as garden flowers.
Watering is not allowed in any case forget. In the second half of October the plant must be entered into the house. It is possible propagation by cuttings. Young plants early in the spring insert it in a jar with water, where curves develop roots. Later, rooted bursts crew in bloom.

Propagation is possible by seed, sown in early spring in the flower pot, which should be kept warm.

The fruit of the plant Solanum is highly toxic. Therefore, keep your hands to yourself.