Ruschia pulvinaris (Creeping Shrubby Ice Plant)

Ruschia pulvinaris is a low-growing, succulent plant up to 4 inches (10 cm) tall and up to 12 inches (30 cm) wide, with woody stems and compact foliage and a highly colorful, magenta flower. It will start flowering in mid-spring and continue throughout the summer, covering itself in dozens of its dazzling bright blooms.

Scientific Name
Ruschia pulvinaris L. Bolus

Common Names
Creeping Shrubby Ice Plant, Shrubby Ice Plant, Congested Ice Plant

Scientific Classification
Family: Aizoaceae
Subfamily: Ruschioideae
Tribe: Ruschieae
Genus: Ruschia

USDA hardiness zone 6a to 10b: from −10 °F (−23.3 °C) to 40 °F (+4.4 °C).

How to Grow and Care
Ruschias are popular for use in the garden. Their tolerance of drought makes them ideal water-wise plants in the arid and semi-arid parts of the world. Brilliant seasonal color displays can be achieved by mass planting in large areas and by using many different growth forms.

There are tufted, round-shaped plants, which are well suited for containers and flower boxes. The low-growing and spreading species cover well and will do wonders to terraces, embankments and will easily stabilize loose sand. 

Then there are the bigger, more robust types, which are best used among other larger plants or in combination with other succulents in rock gardens and mixed beds.

Remember that Ruschias are short lived and it is therefore essential to continue replanting every 3 years. As mentioned before all species attract a host of insects, and they are thus ideal subjects to attract wildlife to the garden throughout the year.

Once rooted or germinated, cuttings and seedlings can be fed with organic fertilizers to enhance vigor and health. There are not many serious pests that attack Ruschia. It is probably better to first use biological control when pests are detected... – See more at: