4 Rules for the care of indoor Bonsai

Bonsai, miniature and ornamental plant that grows as a dwarf tree can be a real star of your green oasis. This "pine Buddhists" does not require any special care in order to survive, progress and maintain a nice, attractive appearance.

Care of indoor bonsai is nothing more complicated than the care of other tropical indoor plants. To mini-trees retain their shape, must be root and shoots regularly cropping. 

A very helpful can you be and literature about bonsai. 


Here are the shortest of visits: 

Habitat - Throughout the year, the plants keep the bright and warm (18-23 ° C), in a room where there is no draft. Flights plant can be outdoors but protected from wind and rain. During the heating season, during the night to lower the temperature.

Watering - Flights watered abundantly, and in the winter a little water at room temperature. Avoid stagnant moisture.

Fertilization - With liquid fertilizer from March to September (every 14 days).

Grafting - Young bonsai every two years to transplant a mixture of clay, sand and humus.