Amaryllis - striped collapse - lat. Hippeastrum

Amaryllis is a perennial plant that grows from bulbs. In the continental part of the country is used as a house plant, while in the Mediterranean and in warmer regions is free to stay out. And its natural habitats come from Central and South America. 

Amaryllis has a large bulb that is planted in such a way that 2/3 of the bulbs is in the country and the third to be outside. And the substrate mixed with peat and little sand to obtain breathability and permeability of the soil. 

Once you plant the bulbs, a container with them you need to put on a warm and preferably dark place (although fails and the light), and after a time when it starts to grow green part of the back pan to the light spot. Amaryllis or with us also known as striped collapse has bright green leaves that reaches the length of 25-50 cm. But what develops only after the plant blooms.

The flower is on the thick, long and hollow stalk on which there are 2-3 big flower trumpets. When the plant blooms it must be sprayed to endure flower remained fresh. This plant regularly supplemental feeding every two weeks at a time. 

If you are in warmer regions where winters are not strong plant survives and outside the country. But for planting pay attention to it conceal from the strong and cold winds in the winter and not to be exposed to the sun's rays during the summer.

While in the continental part of the end of August should gradually reduce watering and finally stop the plant comes to sleep and dies she leaves, creating a bulb. 

Bulbs then save on a dark and cold place with a temperature of 8 to 12 * C.