Corpuscularia lehmannii 'Ice Plant'

Corpuscularia lehmannii  is one of the succulents, that grow fast, up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall and up to 12 inches (30 cm). Even though the name suggests it to be white, it is a green-leaved 3-angled, grey-green, up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) long  that can not handle cold weather so well. With beautiful blue/green leaves that stack up opposite each other as it grows along the stem. When it finally blooms you can see flowers that are yellow 1.6 inches (4 cm) in diameter and not so different from daisies.

  1. Scientific Name: Corpuscularia lehmannii (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Schwantes
  2. Common Names:  Ice Plant
  3. Synonyms: Corpuscularia lehmannii,Delosperma lehmannii ,Mesembryanthemum lehmanni ,Schonlandia lehmannii ,Delosperma algoense , Mesembryanthemum sexpartitum   
  4. Family: Aizoaceae
  5. Subfamily: Ruschioideae
  6. Tribe: Ruschieae
  7. Species: Corpuscularia lehmannii
  8. Genus: Corpuscularia

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How to Grow and Care

Ice plants prefer full sun but can tolerate some light shade in the garden.

Because ice plants are succulents, they do not tolerate wet soil, though they do well in poor soils. In fact, wet soil, especially during the winter months, is likely to kill the plants. In areas where the soil stays consistently dry, this plant can become invasive, so it is best to take this into consideration when planting it.

The ice plant can be propagated by division, cuttings or seeds. If propagating by division, it is best to divide the plants in the spring. Cuttings can be taken anytime in the spring, summer or fall. When grown by seeds, scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil and do not cover them, as they need light to germinate.

Once they are established, ice plants require little maintenance. As succulents, they need very little watering and thrive in drought-like conditions. In addition, these plants need little to no fertilizing. Simply plant your ice plant flowers and watch them grow...- Learn more at  HOW TO GROW AND CARE DELOSPERMA  

Origin: Corpuscularia lehmannii is native to South Africa.

Hardiness zones: 9b to 11b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).

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