Aptenia cordifolia 'Variegata' Baby Sun Rose

It produces a mantle of succulent leaves of small size of 1 to 3 cm in length, lanceolate, bluish green and with irregularly dyed white edges. Its thick and succulent stems form four faces and can reach more than 70 cm in length, are the same pale green color as the leaves and are free of hairs. 

The shape of its flowers are like small daisies composed of numerous thin petals of purple pink, appear in the armpits of the leaves and remain open during the day. It is a really hardy plant and enjoys in sunny places, although it can tolerate situations of partial shade in circumstances it will bloom with difficulty or it will limit itself to developing only foliage.

  1. Scientific Name: Aptenia cordifolia f. variegata
  2. Synonyms: Aptenia cordifolia (L.f.) Schwantes,Litocarpus cordifolius (L.f.) L.Bolus, Ludolfia cordifolius (L.f.) L.Bolus, Tetracoilanthus cordifolius
  3. Common Names: Variegated Baby Sun Rose, Variegated Hearleaf Ice Plant, Variegated Ice Plant
  4. Family: Aizoaceae 
  5. Subfamily: Mesembryanthemoideae
  6. Species: M. cordifolium
  7. Genus: Aptenia

source pic: Pinterest.com

How to Grow and Care

Aptenia cordifolia is a species of succulent plant in the iceplant family. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin word cor for heart, because of the heart-shaped leaves. It is a creeping plant that forms a carpet of flat-growing perennial herbs in groups on the ground from a base. 

Water Aptenia only when the soil is completely dry, and then provide enough to drench the soil to a depth of about 6 inches (15 cm). To check for dryness, poke your finger into the soil. Never water if the soil feels damp or cool, as Aptenia, like all succulents, is prone to rot in soggy, waterlogged soil. Water Aptenia lightly during the winter if the leaves begin to look shriveled. Provide only enough water to moisten the soil as the plant deteriorates quickly in cool, damp soil.

Withhold fertilizer, which isn’t needed and often results in a weak, floppy plant. Trim the plant as needed throughout the growing season, using pruners or garden shears to keep the plant tidy. Pot the plant and bring it indoors for the winter when nighttime temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius)...Learn more at  TIPS: HOW TO GROW AND CARE Aptenia

Aptenia cordifolia f. variegata is variegated form of Aptenia cordifolia

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