Bonsai: Tips for Caring and Inspirations

 Bonsai has specific characteristics, although it works just like any tree it has a much better size. Due to its characteristics it has become quite popular all over the world.
Bonsai is known as the tree that attracts money and good luck, as well as symbolizing peace, patience and happiness.
There are many varieties of bonsai. Today we leave some tips to take care of and some inspirations for you.

What is a bonsai?

The word Bonsai comes from the Japanese word bon-sai which means “grown, planted in a tray or pot.

Bonsai is not a tree type or species; it is the technique that limits its growth.
Bonsai is a replica of a miniature nature tree. It is not something that was born naturally in nature, it results from a technique used in trees to make them a miniature.
This feat of man happens because of the container where it is planted that limits root growth.

How to Grow a Bonsai

Bonsai cultivation can be done in two different ways: misho and yamadori.

Misho is the most laborious technique that requires the most attention. Cultivation is by seed. It consists of choosing seeds of your preference and at an early stage the whole process of germination and cultivation is the same as that of common tree planting.
You should use the bottom of the container with about 1/4 gravel.

Then add substrate to half of the pot.
Place the seeds and cover them with the rest of the substrate.

Do not add any fertilizer.

The yamadori method begins in the planting phase of the seedling.
Buy a tree seedling already taken, and proceed to the same system as before. The big difference is that you don't have to wait for the seed to germinate.

Bonsai Planting

Once the plant begins to germinate it is about to start making its bonsai.

The hard part is determining the right time to put your plant in the proper tray or pot.

Ideally, make this switch when the roots become dense in the pot.

To put the seedling in the tray it is important to remove the excess roots. Remove the dried and damaged roots.
Plant the roots in the tray or pot and add the soil. Pinch the earth with your fingertips to avoid damaging the roots.
Put a support so that the plant does not leave the site, this support should be maintained until the plant is well strengthened.

How to Water a Bonsai

The needs of the bonsai plant varies greatly as it grows.

In the first three months of planting bonsai the land should be watered every day. After this phase you should water your plant according to your needs.
It is very important to evaluate the humidity of the earth.

If the soil is damp, do not water, if it is dry, always water carefully, being careful not to water the plant.

Bonsai Care

Bonsai need some care to be beautiful and healthy. Sunlight needs will depend on the type of bonsai you choose, each has different needs.

Check how your bonsai drips to where it is if you find it necessary to place it elsewhere.

Ideally, try to find an environment where the temperature is constant.

How to Prune a Bonsai

Pruning is essential to ensure the healthy growth of the mini tree and also to maintain the original characteristic of the technique. It is the pruning that will give the characteristics of your bonsai.

During its growth and maintenance you should prune your bonsai to remove excess growing branches and leaves.

During the can the branches with problems or dead are removed. Larger cuts should be sealed with a healing paste.

Pruning is fundamental to bonsai. For static reasons it is also important to do a static pruning in early fall and spring.

When to Change Vase Bonsai

The pot change is a fundamental part for bonsai lovers. Switching prevents your plant from becoming ill.

You need to pay attention to several factors to know when it is time to change the vessel.
You should change the pot when you notice that the roots are denser or the water is taking longer to absorb into the soil.

Fast-growing trees need to be transplanted every two years, the rest can be transplanted every 3 to 5 years.