5 Beautiful Flowers that can protect your skin

 These 5 beautiful flowers that can take care of your skin and your hair are great acquaintances, in fact we could rate them as gardeners' favorites. Surely you will know them perfectly and you may even have some, or several, of them in your garden.


Hibiscus is a well-known plant, well it is actually a genus of plants, Hibiscus, made up of 150 species of plants. It grows spontaneously in tropical and subtropical climate zones although it can also be grown in temperate climate areas as long as the temperature does not fall much below 10ºC. Infusion of hibiscus leaves is good for hair care. We will use 10-15 leaves and put them in a saucepan with water, let it boil until about half of the water evaporates. Improves hair shine and reduces hair loss.


Everyone knows roses and almost all gardeners know the care they need, but did you know they can be a great lip balm? To do this you just have to crush a few rose petals and mix them with a little honey. And they can also serve, roses, as a tonic for the face; To do this you just have to mix 1/2 tablespoon of rose water with another 1/2 of glycerin. We will apply at night and let it act while we rest.


Jasmine is another great acquaintance, it is grown in warm or temperate climates, although it requires a good degree of moisture to grow properly. It stands out for its incredible and deep perfume that is released by flowers especially at sunset. With the jasmine and coconut oil petals we can prepare a very good moisturizer and anti-wrinkle for the face.


Calendula is another well-known flower with a very old medicinal use. The ancient Greeks already used it, as well as Hindus and Arabs; both to treat various diseases as in food and as a dye for clothes. Infusing three tablespoons of marigold petals in a glass of water and using to clean the skin of the face, is a good treatment against acne for the antibacterial qualities of the plant.

Chamomile is a plant native to Europe that has been traditionally used as a remedy for a variety of discomforts. To an infusion of chamomile, already cold, we will add a little lemon juice and milk. We soak a compress and apply it on the face for about 5 minutes. It works very well to clean the skin and remove blackheads and other impurities.