Let's find out how to grow haworthia, a beautiful and decorative liliacea

Cultivating Haworthia is not a difficult operation, but a really satisfying result. This succulent plant owes its name to the English botanist Haworth who first classified it by inserting it among several other species, and not all greasy, which also include some varieties such as Aloe.

Its characteristic is given by the fleshy leaves, in rosette, with small black spines. Generally, depending on the species, the leaves are triangular, thick, green, brown or greyish. Biosnga know that to cultivate the haworthy one needs patience: its development is rather slow; every single rosette of leaves is kept within small dimensions: about 15-20 cm in diameter, for as many as maximum height. The period of greatest growth is between spring and summer.

Like all succulents it does not require frequent watering, only when the earth appears dry. Sometimes it is good to remove dust on the leaves with a brush.

Cultivate Haworthia - the repotting

1. in order to grow the plant it is necessary to repot it by placing it in a more capacious container that contains the root system without suffocating it.

2. place a layer of drainage stones on the bottom of the vase and form a light layer with specific soil for succulents.

3. we invade the plant by enlarging the roots, untangling them. We mix well with our hands and water abundantly with water.

4. to prevent the earth from escaping during the waterings it may be useful to place some white stones with a pleasant decorative effect.

Cultivate haworthia last change: 2014-11-17T17: 27: 46 + 00: 00 from Faidate Ingiardino