How to Grow Orchids for Profit...

Orchids are exotic plants that many people mistakenly believe to be rare and difficult to grow. In reality, they are neither rare or especially difficult to grow; in fact, there are over 30,000 species of orchids and they are one of the oldest families of plants in existence. 

Although growing these intricate and fragile flowers is not simple, you can learn how to grow orchids for profit and pleasure.

Visit local growers and sellers and think about joining a local orchid society. Learning from experts will help ensure your success in growing your own.
Learn which orchids are easiest to begin growing and what special conditions they need in order to thrive.

 Many beginners start with the Dendrobium or Phalaenopsis hybrids. These are available at many local stores and are not expensive.
As you improve your skills, you will want to buy plants from professional growers. Perhaps you might branch out into the more exotic species which will reap greater profit.

Mimic the natural conditions in which orchids are most at home. This will provide you the greatest chance of success in growing your orchids.
Give bright but indirect sunlight.

Water well once or twice a week, but never let the orchid stand in water. The roots will rot. Good drainage is essential to grow orchids.
Fertilize with specially formulated orchid nutrients while the plant is growing.

 Instead, their root must be anchored to materials which allow air to flow freely around the roots. Tree bark, moss, perlite, or vermiculite are commonly used.
Provide adequate humidity of 50 to 75 percent.
Ensure the temperature remains between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius). 

Lower the temperature at night. Some orchids need the temperature to be lowered by only a few degrees, while others need a bigger drop in temperature in the evening hours.
Choose the correct pot size and pot material. Pots smaller than 8 inches (20cm) are often the optimum choice. It is important to make sure the roots have enough air flow and moisture without the chance of becoming water logged. 

Use rocks to help keep the plant securely supported. Clay pots are porous and let air and water through, but can also dry out more easily. Plastic pots keep moisture in but restrict air flow. Balance is the key.

Be aware that different species of orchids may require different conditions, and if you want to learn how to grow orchids for profit, you must learn the specifications of each type of orchid. For example, some orchids go through a period of dormancy, while others do not.

Inspect your orchid plants for disease. Scale, aphids, mealy bugs, and spider mites are common problems orchids might encounter. Snails can also attack orchids along with viral disease and destructive animals.
Try using helpful insects such as ladybugs and preying mantises to control destructive insects.

Apply insecticidal soap on tops and bottoms of leaves. Use only the most natural insecticides and only as a last resort.
Use rubbing alcohol to control scale and mealy bugs. Wipe bugs off with cotton dipped in alcohol. Rinse after applying alcohol.

Profit from raising orchids as you become more expert. You can begin to earn money by selling your orchids at farmer's markets, gardening shows, local nurseries and shops. Larger vendors sell to chain stores, broader based nurseries and florists.
