Edithcolea grandis (Persian Carpet Flower)

Edithcolea grandis is a one of the handsomest and most distinct of all the Stapelioid group. The remarkable flower is at times described as the Persian carpet flower. The five-angled stems are 2 - 3cm in diameter, more or less branched and armed with hard, brown, very acute, spinelike teeth. The plant usually grows up to 30cm tall, exceptionally to 70cm, the stems trailing along the ground near their base before becoming more upright towards their tips. The bisexual, hairy-margined flowers are pale yellow with red-brown spots, up to 5 inches (12.5 cm) in diameter and born at the ends of the shoots. The fruit contains a large number of seeds.

  • Scientific Name: Edithcolea grandis N. E. Br.
  • Common Names: Persian Carpet Flower
  • Synonyms: Edithcolea sordida
  • Family: Apocynaceae
  • Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae
  • Tribe: Ceropegieae
  • Subtribe: Stapeliinae
  • Genus: Edithcolea

source pic: pinterest.com

How to Grow and Care

Persian Carpet Flower is occasionally cultivated as an ornamental in desert gardens worldwide. It has a gained a reputation as a particularly difficult plant to keep alive, because of its very specific growing needs with much light and relatively high, above 60 °F (15 °C), winter temperatures. It is very susceptible to root rot at low temperatures.

Uses: The stem of Persian Carpet Flower is eaten as a vegetable in Ethiopia and Somalia.

Growing Conditions

Light: Partial sun or light shade.

Water: It require moderately watering through the growing season but enjoy plenty of water and some fertilizer in hot weather and allow them to dry before watering again. This helps them to flower freely. Water sparingly in winter according to temperatures. But, as with most asclepiads, it is unwise to leave them wet in cold weather.

Temperature: Winter care presents no problems at 60 °F (15° C) with plenty of light.

Soil: Since roots are quite shallow, use a succulent mix or add extra perlite or pumice to regular soil potting soil. A gritty, very free-draining compost is suitable, and clay pots help the plants to dry out between watering.

Origin: Edithcolea grandis is native to Africa-Northern Somalia and to the Arabian Peninsula-Yemen.

Hardiness zones 10b to 11b: from 35 °F (+1.7 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).


Propagation by stem cuttings is the easiest used method. Allow cuttings to dry a day before planting. Stems must be laid (not buried) on gritty compost and will then root from the underside. It can also be grown from seeds. The seeds should be sown in spring in moist, sandy peat moss.

This plant is very susceptible to root rot at low temperatures and mealybugs and damage from these may well initiate fungal attack. If you do have problems with a stem or with basal rotting, you can reliably isolate the healthy parts, dry them off, and reroot them in moist compost.

source pic: pinterest.com