Cleistocactus samaipatanus

Cleistocactus samaipatanus is a long, narrow, columnar cactus, lime green in color,  with 14 to 17 ribs and stiff pale gold spines up to 3 cm long. The plant has several rounded cylindrical, slender ascending, later decumbent, prostrate or pendent, lime green, 90-150 m long and 5 cm in diameter and many-ribbed. The ribs are 14-17, low, rounded up to 2 mm high and 7 mm wide. With Light brown tomentose areoles, the radial spines are stiff pale gold m up to 1.2 inches long.
The brilliant red to pink flowers are up to 2 inches long and up to 1 inch in diameter. The fruits are small, spherical, and reddish with dense white and brown wool, up to 1 cm long and wide. With optimal growing condition it flowers time by time from late winter to nearly autumn.

  • Scientific Name: Cleistocactus samaipatanus (Cárdenas) D.R.Hunt
  • Synonyms: Bolivicereus brevicaulis, Bolivicereus croceus, Bolivicereus rufus, Bolivicereus samaipatanus, Borzicactus samaipatanus
  • Family: Cactaceae
  • Subfamily: Cactoideae
  • Tribe: Trichocereeae
  • Species: C. samaipatanus
  • Genus: Cleistocactus

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How to Grow and Care 

Cleistocactus  is an easy to grow plant if over-watering is avoided. Cacti grown indoors tend to gather dust. These spiny cacti can be effectively washed down with a soft shaving brush. When cleaning them, it is a good idea to protect the roots by laying a piece of plastic sheeting over the potting mixture to prevent undue wetting at the base of the plant.
Use newspaper as a wrapping to protect the hands from the spines when handling the cactus.

Light: Like all desert cacti, Cleistocactus  needs as much full sunlight as it can get. Unless Cleistocactus  has full sunlight for several hours a day, it will not bloom. If possible, stand these plants in a sunny position outdoors during the summer months.

Temperature: During the active growth period normal room temperatures are suitable. During the winter provide a rest period at 10-15°C (50-59°F). If the winter temperature is too high, plants will try to grow; and with insufficient light of short winter days, growth is bound to be unnatural thin.

Watering: During the active growth period water moderately, enough to make the potting mixture moist and allow the top centimetre (0.4 inch) or so of the potting mixture to dry out between waterings. In the winter rest period give only enough to keep it from drying out.

Origin: Cleistocactus samaipatanus native to Bolivia.

Propagation: It is possible to propagate by cutting a small branch from a Cleistocactus and rooting it, but this inevitably leaves a disfiguring scar near the base of the main stem. If an offset is removed to be used in propagation, remember to let it dry for a week or so, letting the wound heal (cuttings planted to soon easily rot before they can grow roots). Rooting usually occurs within 3-8 weeks.

It is therefore best to raise these plants from seed. Be sure to get the seeds from a reputable source. Even under good conditions germination of Cleistocactus  seeds may be erratic. They can be sown in either pots or seed pans, depending upon the quantity. Use pots at least 5cm (2 inch) in diameter because seeds need moisture and very small pots tend to dry out too quickly.

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