Anthurium andraeanum (Flamingo Flower)

Anthurium andraeanum is a typical epiphyte which grows on the branches of various tropical trees. It has a dense root system with creamy textured tuberous rhizomes and small hairy lateral roots having yellow colored root tips. Flamingo Flower has simple, glossy, large, leathery leaves, of a beautiful dark green color, arranged spirally forming a rosette on a very short stem. They have long petioles of round cross section, whose diameter for the mature leaf is 0.3 to 0.4 cm (0.12-0.23 in) and the length is between 12 and 15 cm (4.7-6 in).

The shape of the leaves is ovate-sagittate, with acuminate apex and deeply cordate base which is composed of two lobes whose width is between 2.5 and 3.5 cm (1-1.3 in).  

  • Scientific name: Anthurium andraeanum Linden ex André
  • Common names: Flamingo Flower, Laceleaf, Tailflower, Flamingo Lily, Painter’s Palette
  • Synonyms: Anthurium venustum 
  • Family: Araceae
  • Subfamily: Pothoideae
  • Tribe: Anthurieae
  • Genus: Anthurium

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How to Grow and Care 

Temperature: Heat-loving plant. In summer: 68-77 ° F, in winter – not lower than 59-60,8 ° F, otherwise the leaves start to die. Anturium Andre can withstand 53,6 ° F.
Humidity: Increased. In summer, spray soft water at least once a day, not allowing moisture to enter the flowers; with dry air in the room is mandatory content in moist pebbles.

Lighting: In the summer – diffuse light, avoid direct sunlight. The north, west and east windows are suitable. In bright light, the leaves can be folded. With a lack of light, it will not bloom.

Soil: 3 parts of peat, 1 part of sliced ​​sphagnum moss, 1 part of gravel and a little organic soil. You can add pine needles.Required drainage and a hole in the pot.

Watering: In summer – 2 times a week, the land should be moist all the time, but not too humid and dry a little between waterings; In winter, once a week. Watered with soft water.

Fertilize: During the growing season, starting in May, every two to three weeks, liquid fertilizer.

To propagate your flamingo flower, divide or take cuttings of stems with two nodes or more. Put cuttings in water (just as you would when propagating pothos), and about a month later, plant the Anthurium cuttings in plant containers. Keep them out of direct sunlight while they are in water.

- ALSO LEARN some more info  HOW TO GROW AND CARE FOR Anthurium

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