Aeschynanthus radicans (Basket Vine)

Aeschynanthus radicans is a vine-like plant. It is an epiphyte or lithophyte growing to 1.5 m tall, with leathery, green leaves that are 4–8 cm long, ovate to lanceolate, opposite or whorled. The flowers are terminal, tubular, 5–7.5 cm long, with the upper lobes shorter than the lower. They are usually scarlet with yellow throats.

  • Scientific Name: Aeschynanthus radicans Jack
  • Common Names: Lipstick Plant, Lipstickplant, Basket Vine, Basketvine
  • Family: Gesneriaceae
  • Genus: Aeschynanthus

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How to Grow and Care

Hardiness zone 11a to 11b: from 40 °F (+4.4 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).

Origin: Aeschynanthus radicans  native to the humid tropics of the Malay Peninsula south to Java.

Temperature: In the summer: up to 73,4-75,2 ° F, in winter – 16-64,4 ° F. A thermophilic plant is enough. Dangerous sharp temperature changes, for example, when airing in winter.

Humidity: Spray regularly with warm, soft water, especially at high temperatures, in the summer every day or several times a week.

Light: Bright diffused light. The west and east windows are suitable. With a lack of light, the pattern on the leaves disappears.

Soil: The soil must be breathable and fertile. Suitable slightly acid soil. 1 part of the leaf earth, 1 part peat, 1 part of large sand or perlite, 1 part sod, chopped moss sphagnum, pieces of coal. Good drainage is required. Always use a pot with an opening.

Watering: The soil must be constantly moist, but you must not allow overflow. In summer, water once a week with soft water. In winter, water less often, but do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. You can not get water to fall on the flowers.

Fertilizer: During the vegetation period from April to October, once in 2-3 weeks, feed with liquid fertilizer, preferably organic. Mineral fertilizers in the period of growth is better to dilute twice the recommended dose, because excess nitrogen will lead to abundant growth and a lack of flowering. In winter, do not fertilize.


Take cuttings in the spring, when the plant resumes normal growth. To successfully root cuttings, use a rooting hormone and provide bottom heat or use a covered rooting container. Take a cutting with several leaves and a length of stem. Strip away the bottom one or two sets of leaves to expose one or two growing nodes. Dip these into rooting hormone (if you're using it), then bury the cutting and the exposed nodes into a clean potting mix. You can use a seedling mix if you have some on hand. Keep the cutting in a bright, warm place with high humidity. When you start to see new growth, you'll know the cutting has rooted. Wait until the plant has put out several sets of new leaves before repotting to a more permanent container.

- ALSO LEARN some more info  HOW TO GROW AND CARE FOR Aeschynanthus

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