Tulista pumila (Pearl Plant)

Tulista pumila formerly known as Haworthia pumila is a succulent that looks like a miniature aloe. It grows in a compact rosette, is more or less stemless, and approx. 250 mm tall. Leaves are 140 x 20 mm. What makes this plant interesting are the raised , more or less rounded, greenish white tubercles  that are very conspicuous on the underside of the leaf surface. The flower spike is approx. 400 mm tall. The aloe-like flowers are brownish-white and waxy in texture. Flowering time is early summer (October-November). 

  • Scientific Name: Tulista pumila (L.) G.D.Rowley
  • Common Names: Pearl Plant, Miniature Aloe
  • Synonyms: Aloe pumila (basionym), Haworthia pumila, Aloe arachnoides var. pumila, Haworthia margaritifera, Haworthia maxima
  • Family: Asphodelaceae
  • Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
  • Tribe: Aloeae
  • Species: T. pumila
  • Genus: Tulista

Tulista pumila  is a species of Tulista succulent plant, from the Western Cape, South Africa.


Hardiness zone -10a to 11b: from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).

source pic:pinterest.com

How to Grow and Care

It is a popular plant in cultivation, though it can be slow-growing. The plant requires well-drained soil, and it is one of the few Tulista species that thrives in full sun. The plant rarely offsets, so most propagation is by seed, though leaf cuttings can also be rooted when larger leaves are used.

Propagating from fresh seed is easy. Seed older than 18 months in most cases is not viable, unless kept under cool, dry conditions. Seed is similar to those of Aloes, but much smaller. Sow the seeds in autumn in well-drained, rich, loamy soil. Sow no deeper than 1.2 inch (3 cm). Water enough to keep the soil merely damp, and ensure the growing medium is not soggy. A very wet growing medium will cause damping-off of the seedlings or result in the seeds rotting. Viable seed should germinate with 21 days.

Once the seedlings are strong enough, after about one year, transplant into containers. Initially keep strong sunlight off the young plants. Once the plants have adapted to stronger light they can be planted out in the open.

The plants live for about 30 to 40 years if they are looked after properly. It grows relatively slowly from seed and it takes about 5 years for a plant to reach flowering maturity...

 Learn more at: How to Grow and Care for a Pearl Plant (Tulista pumila).
'' Varieties ''

  • Tulista pumila var. ohkuwae 
  • Tulista pumila var. pumila  
  • Tulista pumila var. sparsa 

source pic:pinterest.com

source pic:pinterest.com

source pic:pinterest.com

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