Trichodiadema pygmaeum

 Trichodiadema pygmaeum is a semi-prostrate, mat-forming, compact dwarf succulent shrub up to 30 mm high. The leaves are oblong and semicircular and covered with distinct hair-like bristles. The flowers are pink, solitary, with short pedicels, up to ± 20 mm in diameter, without bracts. Flowers have no filamentous staminodes. Seeds of the genus are pear-shaped, minutely warty and grooved, brown or yellowish. It flowers from winter to early summer. 

  • Scientific Name: Trichodiadema pygmaeum L.Bolus
  • Family: Aizoaceae
  • Species: T. pygmaeum

Trichodiadema pygmaeum is native to  Western Cape Province, South Africa, where it is found in fine-grained soils in the regions of Bredasdorp and Swellendam.

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How to Grow and Care

It is advisable to use a sandy, loose substrate as sold for growing cacti and succulents, containing various sizes of sand and small stones to ensure drainage is essential for this type of plants.
They are very resistant to drought periods because their roots are tuberous, these hold water serving water reserves for plants. Water regularly young plants, and newly transplanted, irrigate with little water to wet the substrate, avoiding excess water is very damaging to this plant. Plant suitable for growing in climates with warm winters, suitable for rock gardens and flowerpots.

Some are relatively cold-hardy and can even survive mild winters outside. Most will survive temperatures down to freezing point. There are some Mesembs which begin to grow in the fall as the temperature drops and the days get shorter.

It prefers partial shade situations, with a few hours of direct sunlight at the beginning of the day or late in the afternoon. It can be adapted to sunnier sites and warm sites. You need a growing medium with excellent drainage... 


This mat-forming species is one of the few species in the genus that do not have the typical leaf-tip diadems. It is also one of three species that have leaves covered in dense hairs (together with T.fergusoniae and T.strumosum)

 SUCCULENT PLANTS : Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus