Tacca chantrieri 'Black Bat Flower'

 Tacca chantrieri is a clump forming herbaceous perennial bearing exotic, log stemmed flowers. Reaching lengths of up to 38cm (15 inch) broad, 20cm (8 inch) wide, the smooth, lanceolate leaves, with angular pleats, are dark green with an under surface colour of greyish green. The flowers are black and up to 30cm (12 inch) across. Curious plant with up to 25 flowers on bat-like (both in shape and color) inflorescences, where each umbel has a pair of large spreading, wing-like rich maroon-black bracts. 

The four large black bracts look almost like bat wings with long 10cm (4 inch) threadlike tails extending from the tip of each of the flower petals, leading to another of its common names, ‘Cat’s Whiskers Plant’. The bracts are accompanied by 25cm (10 inch) long trailing filaments or “whiskers” forming a flowing forked tail, which emanate from the nearly black with some purple, flower scape. 

The scapes (flower stem from the base of plant to where the flower actually is) are about 63cm (24 inch) long. The small black 5 petals flowers are succeeded by heavy berries. Flowering seems to begin when the plants have produced 2-3 full-size leaves. Each plant produces at least 6 and up to 12 flower stems during the warm months of the year.  Seed pods will remain on the plant for quite a long time. The leathery capsules (about 4cm (1.5 inch) long) require up to a year to ripen.

  • Scientific name: Tacca chantrieri André, 1901
  • Common Names: Bat Flower, Black Bat Flower, Cats Whiskers, Devil Flower, Bat Head Lily, Bat Plant, Devil’s Tongue, Black Tacca, Jews Beard, Voodoo Flower
  • Synonyms: Clerodendrum esquirolii, Schizocapsa breviscapa,Schizocapsa itagakii,Tacca esquirolii, Tacca garrettii,Tacca macrantha,Tacca minor,Tacca paxiana,Tacca roxburghii,Tacca vespertilio,Tacca wilsonii
  • Family: Dioscoreaceae
  • Genus: Tacca
  • Species: T. chantrieri

Tacca chantrierei is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, and southern China: particularly Yunnan Province.

Hardiness zone: 10-11

source pic:  flickr.com

How to Grow and Care

In the North, Tacca plants can grow in the greenhouse or a “bat house” and also as an indoor houseplant. Plant Tacca Chantrieri in a rich well-drained soil or potting mixture in a pot with good drainage.The black bat flower blooms throughout late spring and summer.

During winter hold off on watering and allow the plant to rest over winter. It is also important to give them warm shade with high humidity.When growing the black bat plant outdoors place them near trees or walls to protect them from direct sunlight.

These tropical plants are increased by division.

Propagation: Tacca chantrieri can be propagated by dividing rhizomes (including offsets) or by seed.

The rhizomes can be divided at repotting time in the spring. Make sure each rhizome section contains a bud. Plant the rizhomes in a pots that are at least 15cm (6 inch) wide – one piece per pot. Use recommended potting mixture for mature plants. Plant the rhizome upright. Let 1/8 of the rhizome show above the soil when starting. Add compost as the plant grows in the pot. Water the plant weekly during the growing season and once monthly with a foliar fertiliser mixed at half strength. Growing season is spring until late fall. Keep it in a humid area with plenty of indirect light.

Tacca chantrieri can be propagated from seed. Once the seed ponds dry out or fall, remove and split them open to remove the seeds... - Learn more at  HOW TO GROW AND CARE Black Bat Flower  

source pic: Pinterest.com
source pic: Pinterest.com

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