Rabiea albinota

Rabiea albinota is a mat-forming succulent, about 80 mm tall and up to 200 mm in diameter, with leaves that broaden from the base to the middle, then taper to a pointed apex (mucronate). The leaf is scimitar-shaped (acinaciform), with a distinct keel. 

The epidermal layer has numerous tuberculate, prominent, white to dark purple spots, often white-margined. Flowers appear daisy-like, yellow, solitary, opening in the afternoon, 35–45 mm in diameter; stamens are yellow. Pedicels are short with basal bracteoles. The flowering season is mainly from late winter through spring, but it may blossom occasionally all year round.

  • Scientific name: Rabiea albinota (Haw.) N.E.Br.
  • Common names: clock plant
  • Synonyms:
    Mesebryanthemum albinotus Haw., Aloinopsis albinotus (Haw.) Schwantes and Nananthus albinotus (Haw.) L.Bolus
  • Family: Aizoaceae
  • Subfamily: Ruschioideae
  • Tribe: Ruschiae
  • Species: R. albinota
  • Genus: Rabiea

Origin: Rabiea albinota is native to Cape Province: Karroo, Free State. South Africa.

Hardiness Zone 9b to 11b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 45 °F (+7.2 °C).

source pic:  flickr.com

How to Grow and Care

Rabiea are easy and rewarding plants than can be grown in pots or in the rock-garden. They can be watered year-round, water regularly from spring to Autumn but reduce watering frequency in winter, growth period is early Spring to late Summer, but is a very adaptable species that can grows opportunistically whenever the water availability and growing condition are favourable. Keep them cool, and half-shaded in summer, need full sun or light shade on the other seasons. 

Potted rabieas look best in a heavy soil and the same is true for plants in a rockery. Requires good drainage.

Frost Tolerance: Very frost hardy and grows best where there are cold winters (it is reported to be hardy to at least -18° C if very dry). It is difficult to keep the leaves free of scars and dead leaf-tips, but the abundant flowers hide them...

 Learn more at: How to Grow and Care for Nananthus

source pic:  flickr.com
source pic:  llifle.com

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