Orbea melanantha

 Orbea melanantha (Orbeopsis melanantha) known earlier as the 'Caralluma with black flowers', is a distinct stapeliad characterized by stout stems 80-100 mm tall, the denticles on the stem teeth being very prominent on young sterns, but as the stems thicken the denticles are reduced to scars. Orbea melanantha is distinguished from all other species of Orbea, except Orbea lutea, by its dense clusters of more or less simultaneously opening, uniformly coloured, dark red to almost black, and fairly large flowers (50 mm across).

  • Scientific name: Orbea melanantha (Schltr.) Bruyns
  • Common names:
    Short-lobed brown carrion flower, Black or dark flowered caralluma
  • Synonyms: Stapelia melanantha Schltr, Stapelia furcata N. E. Br., Orbeopsis melanantha, Caralluma rubiginosa, Caralluma melanantha, Caralluma leendertziae, Caralluma australis
  • Family: Apocynaceae
  • Subfamily: Asclepiadaceae
  • Tribe: Stapeliae
  • Genus: Orbea

Origin and Habitat: South Africa, Northern Province and Mpumalanga (Transvaal), Maputo district in southern Mozambique, not recorded in Zimbabwe. 

source pic:  flickr.com

How to Grow and Care

All species of Orbea, including O. melanantha, make attractive ground covers, even when sterile. They can be used to enhance the surrounding areas of larger focal plants. They will definitely attract attention when in full flower, if not for the beautiful flowers, then for their odour or the pollinators they may attract to the garden. 

Most species will do best as container plants if room to spread is allowed; shallow containers usually give the best results. On a patio, hanging baskets can also be used, exposing the stems and clusters of flowers as they grow down the sides.

Orbea melanantha is an easy blooming plant that requires moderate watering through the growing season, but also needs a lot of water and some fertilizers in hot conditions for them to flower freely, especially when grown as container plants. Water more sparingly in winter according to temperatures. In cold weather it is unwise to leave plants wet, as with most stapeliads, they will rot easily. 

Winter care presents no problems at 5°C with plenty of light. Since roots are quite shallow, use a cactus mix or add extra perlite or pumice to regular soil potting soil. A gritty, very free-draining compost is suitable, and clay pots help the plants to dry out between watering...


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