Monilaria chrysoleuca - String of pearls

 Monilaria chrysoleuca is a deciduous, clump-forming shrublet that grows to a height of 200 mm. The stems are very distinctive, they are jointed and so resemble a beaded necklace. The species develops two types of leaf pairs during the growing season; a short and long leaf pair. The short leaf pair is the first to emerge at the beginning of the growing season, as they are hidden in the sheath during dormancy. The long leaf pair emerges later in the growing season and is elongated and cylindrical.

 This long leaf pair forms a sheath at the end of the growing season, so forming the characteristic jointed stem. Water-storage cells (bladder cells) are very conspicuous on the leaves and flowering stems and give the plants a glistening appearance.
The flowers are solitary and terminal, presented on peduncles, elevating them above the leaves, in autumn to winter. Flower are strongly scented and the petals (really modified staminodes) range in colours from white, yellow, orange, salmon, red to purple. The fruits are hygrochastic (water-responsive) capsules with 5 to 7 locules and covering membranes, but lacks closing bodies.

  • Scientific Name: Monilaria chrysoleuca (Schltr.) Schwantes
  • Common Names: String of pearls, Pea mesemb
  • Synonyms: Conophyllum chrysoleucum,Mesembryanthemum chrysoleucum, Mitrophyllum chrysoleucum, Schwantesia chrysoleuca,Monilaria chrysoleuca f. purpurea,Monilaria chrysoleuca var. purpurea,Monilaria salmonea L.
  • Family: Aizoaceae
  • Subfamily:Ruschioideae
  • Genus: MONILARIA

Monilaria chrysoleuca is endemic to the Greater Cape Floristic Region of South Africa and its distribution extends from the Knersvlakte, just north of Vanryhnsdorp in the Western Cape, northwards to just east of Springbok at Nigramoep in the Northern Cape. 


Hardiness zones USDA - 10a to 11b: from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).

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How to Grow and Care 

Succulents are a popular plant to keep in your home. They’re easy to care for and can be multiplied by propagating from parent stock.Total rainfall may be extremely low, but water is available at least seasonally or through fog and condensation. This leads to or allows plants which are not especially large and sometimes very small, and affects the way they need to be treated in cultivation.

The basics of care are very simple, with free-draining soil, plenty of sun and ventilation, and regular light watering in the right season. Yet the difficulties are endless, trying to adapt to the Mesembs' own adaptability and to follow their growth habits in your particular conditions.
These plants require a loam-based compost with the addition of extra drainage material such as horticultural grit or perlite. They all like good light conditions and plenty of ventilation.

Some are relatively cold-hardy and can even survive mild winters outside. Most will survive temperatures down to freezing point. There are some Mesembs which begin to grow in the fall as the temperature drops and the days get shorter.


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