How to Grow and Care Pachypodium

 Pachypodium means "thick foot" and refers to the thick swollen stem which stores water and provides structure and strength to the plant.

The swollen stem grows upwards with the leaves surrounding the crown gradually falling and then growing new ones as it ages. All parts of Pachypodium contain a latex sap which is poisonous, although even if you do have pets this may not be a total deal breaker because the plant protects itself by way of tough hooked spines that will deter even the most curious cat.

The leaves are fair game for possible gnawing though. So unless they're sitting high up on a tall plant and therefore out of the way, you'll have to think carefully before purchasing.

There are several species, although the easiest and the most likely ones you will come across are either Pachypodium lamerei or Pachypodium geayi. Although they've got the same care requirements, they're quite hard to tell apart. In general Pachypodium geayi has more of a metallic grey trunk, whereas the lamerei species is light grey with more green mixed in.

They're sometimes confused with the Adenium (Desert Rose) but Pachypodium rarely flowers in cultivation and when compared side by side they are quite distinctive and different looking.

 Growing Conditions and General Care

The three parameters of light, temperature, and watering are closely linked: you should not change one without the other two. It is therefore important to note that the balance of these three parameters determine the good or bad health of their plant.

All kinds of Pachypodiums, except perhaps Pachypodium succulentum and Pachypodium bispinosum from South Africa, need much light because they originally grow under full sun in tropical countries. Direct sunlight is not absolutely necessary, but the sunlight should not be shielded by a natural (or artificial) view protection. A Pachypodium with a lack of light will wither, its branches will be weak and appear "lean" and the leaves will be too big and soft. Over time the Pachypodium will be susceptible to disease and fungus and the plant will eventually die.

The temperature can be very high, as in the habitats in Madagascar and South Africa in the summer. The minimum temperature is much more important for growing Pachypodiums because it triggers the rest. For most types of Pachypodiums the minimum temperature is about 55° F (13° C). However, it depends very much on the moisture of the substrate. The drier the substrate, the lower temperatures are possible. Ideally, you shouldn't fall below a minimum temperature of 59° F (15° C) during the rest period.

In the growth phase, the Pachypodiums require much water. The fact is that the climatic environment drives them to store as much water as possible in a short time. As the rainy season can be very short, the plant must quickly invest their reserves. Some people say they are opportunists. For beginners, it is sometimes difficult to consider when and how much water you should give the Pachypodium. It would be best if you did not treat it like a cactus in any case. A helpful rule is to not be completely dry to the soil during periods of growth before it is poured again.

The dormancy or rest period of Pachypodiums is the most delicate moment to decide if you should water or not and how much. It is the time that is most misunderstood by beginners. In fact, it is different from other succulents so that the plant is not likely to survive without irrigation until next spring. Although the plants are very hardy plants, you should consider that the plants need regular water to replenish their moisture reserves in the rest period.


The flowering of the Madagascar Palm is rare indoors because the plant needs to reach maturity and tall heights first. There are always exceptions of course and if you do achieve flowers they will be white, numerous and star-shaped.

Pests and Diseases

Fortunately, the Pachypodiums are very rarely attacked by insects and also fungi are scarce. It is always better to solve the problems that may occur in a mechanical way (such as spraying water on the leaves, when beetles are on) or to try biological and organic products. Most of the problems come from the treatment and the cultivation, so it is important to first think before treating the plant with an aggressive product because the consequences for the plant could be very bad.

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