Columnea microphylla

Columnea microphylla is a spectacular spring flowering plant with thin, trailing and branching stems, up to 2.5m (8 feet) long which are densely covered with brownish red hairs. The stems carry nearly overlapping pairs of equal size, almost round, dark green leaves up to 1.5cm (0.5 inch) in diameter; these too are densely covered with reddish hairs. 

Flowers, carried singly on tiny stalks, bear hairy calyxes, which are green tinged with red. Flower corollas are bright scarlet with yellow throat and are up to 9cm (3.5 inch) long. The flowers are produced from leaf axils, with a five-lobed calyx and striking in shape. Each tubular corolla flares into five differently shaped lobes.

  • Scientific Name: Columnea microphylla (Klotzsch & Hanst. ex Oerst)
  • Common Names: Goldfish Plant, Flying Goldfish Plants, Small Leaved Goldfish Vine
  • Synonyms: ??
  • Family: Gesneriaceae
  • Species: C. microphylla
  • Genus: COLUMNEA

Origin: Columnea microphylla  Native to Costa Rica.

USDA Zone 10A (Coldest zone where hardy)

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How to Grow and Care

Columnea microphylla are easy to grow under indoor or greenhouse conditions and require bright light, good air circulation and a well-drained growing medium that is allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Pruning and propagating is possible in any season. Prune back old stems severely after the flowering season to encourage new growth. 

Propagation: The best time to propagate Columnea microphylla is when repotting. Insert a tip cutting 7-10cm (2.5-4 inch) long in a 8cm (3 inch) pot of moistened verniculite and keep the pot at normal room temperature in a bright filtered light, watering only often enough to keep the verniculite barely moist. Rooting should occur in about four weeks after which the new plant should be transferred to an 8cm (3 inch) pot of the standard potting mixture for adult plants and treat as a mature columnea. ...- Learn more at  HOW TO GROW AND CARE GOLDFISH PLANT  

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