Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose

Cereus peruvianus monstrose is a slower growing monstrose form of Cereus peruvianus. That develops numerous upright stems 10-12 ft. tall and taller. These stems are pale green, have 5-9 ribs with a few sharp spines. Large tubular flowers with white petals grow 5-7 in. long occur more than one from spring through summer. These flowers open during the night; round orange-red fruit grow to 2 in. in size and are highly edible.

  • Scientific Name: Cereus peruvianus monstruosus
  • Common Names:Monstrose Apple Cactus, Andes Organ Pipe, Hedge Cactus, Queen of the Night, Hildmann’s Cereus
  • Family: Cactaceae
  • Subfamily: Cactoideae
  • Tribe: Cereeae
  • Genus: Cereus

source pic:pinterest.com

How to Grow and Care

Like most cacti, Cereus are fairly low-maintenance and hardy. Make sure they receive enough water without becoming waterlogged, especially during the summer and fertilize them for the best results. If the roots have become black or overly soft, the cactus could be experiencing root rot. Cut away the affected parts and replant them. Most gardeners interested in cacti should be able to cultivate these without much problem.


This plant is native to the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where it grows in southern humid to subhumid forests on rocky outcroppings in mata de planalto, cerrado and pampas.

Light Requirement: Full sun to part day sun. Plants started in lower light levels should be allowed to acclimate to full sun to avoid sunburn.

Water: Very drought tolerant. Best with deep irrigation every two weeks but it can take more frequent watering in quick draining soils in warm weather. It may require more frequent watering in a container.

Soil and Site Considerations

Cacti grow best in a well-drained sandy or gravelly loam soil. Where soil does not offer excellent drainage, working an amendment like fine gravel or crushed granite into the planting site and slightly mounding the planting area encourages water to drain away from the plant's roots efficiently. This cactus offers a moderate salt tolerance.

Monstrose apple cacti grown indoors or as container specimens require a container with ample drain holes and a well-drained potting medium. Potting medium formulated specifically for cacti and succulents is commercially available.

- ALSO READ some more info HOW TO GROW AND CARE Cereus

source pic:pinterest.com