Top 10 Succulents for you Home

 Succulents are the perfect plants for forgetful gardeners. Caring for crass plants is easy and within everyone's reach. They hardly need attention and thrive well indoors. They are also very decorative and most adapt well to the heat and dry environment of the home. Let's see some of the best species you can grow at home.

The shape, texture and color of succulents makes them the best plants to decorate our house. Although it may seem that they are monotonous and that all resemble the truth is that there is a huge variety of both shapes and colors.

Do you have any of these in the house?

  1. The donkey's tail, Sedum morganianum, is fantastic for tall or hanging pots because of its growth shape. It needs a very bright environment and watering only when the soil is very dry. Its leaves come off easily with a slight contact.

  2. The Christmas cactus, Schlumbergera x buckleyi, should not be watered in winter and in any case when the soil is dry. When buds appear, you have to be very careful with irrigation, the lack or excess of water can cause them to fall. To bloom it must be placed in a place with a temperature of about 12 ° C and stored at home before outside temperatures reach 7 ° C.
  3. The crown of thorns, Euphorbia milii, is native to Madagascar and can bloom throughout the year if it receives enough light. Irrigation will depend on whether the plant is in bloom or not, in the first case it is necessary to water when the first 2 centimeters of soil dries; when it has no flower we will wait for the earth to dry until halfway through the pot. The sap of this plant is irritating to the skin, it is necessary to wash after handling it.

  4. The echeveria or alabaster rose, Echeveria elegans, or the consolva, Sempervivum tectorum, are very similar plants that differ because the first forms open rosettes and the second closed, both are very decorative. They are plants that hardly need attention. Little irrigation, only when it is essential because its roots can rot with excess water.

  5. The jade tree, Crassula ovata, is well known and appreciated for its enormous ease of cultivation. Its shape is also very interesting becoming over time in small trees of grayish trunks and fleshy leaves of a bright green color. It should only be watered when the soil is very dry, it is sensitive to excess water.
  6. Aloe Vera is also a great acquaintance, its cultivation is also very simple, just take care that the risks are not excessive. Be careful with the thorns that grow on the sides of the leaves, especially if there are children and pets at home. Its sap has healing properties in both external and internal use.
  7. The panda plant or cat ears, Kalanchoe tomentosa, is native to Madagascar and can be found in several dozen varieties. Its leaves are covered with silver hairs that give it a gray-blue appearance. On the edges they have a dark brown coloration on the dentate part of the leaves. It is slow growing and blooms in spring.
  8. The Mammillaria genus is formed by about 200 species of cacti in a more or less rounded way. Most are originally from Mexico and need a lot of sun to develop well. Irrigation should be very limited, only when the soil is very dry, and in winter we will totally refrain from watering it. This allows the plant to enter a lethargy period, essential for its subsequent flowering.
  9. Nolina, Beaucarnea recurvata, is an Agavácea like cassava and pita that accumulates water at the base of the trunk. Its leaves are long and narrow and intense green. It normally reaches about 150 cm in height although there are specimens that can reach more than 10 meters in height. It is a very long-lived plant that can live several centuries.
  10. The sanseviera, tiger tail or mother-in-law tongue, Sanseviera trifasciata, is a liliaceous native to tropical Africa that stands out for its incredible resistance. The only thing we have to monitor is irrigation because its excess is the only thing that can kill the plant.