Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii

Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii  It is a massive globose cactus with bright carmine flowers. It is lonely when young, but each individual stem begins to divide dichotomously to form two stems as it matures, this process is repeated several times giving rise to small clustered groups and occasionally large mounds with dozens of heads. 

Seen from above, the central whorl of woolly areolas resembles a sunflower head.  Individual stems globose, becoming cylindric with age, 10-15 cm tall (or more), 7-15 cm in diameter, apex somewhat sunken and woolly, dark green, blue-green or grey-green.Spines are glassy white or yellow. Flowers are small in a ring near the top of the cactus, up to 0.6 inch (1.5 cm) long, bright carmine to rose-red with reddish-brown outer petals.

  1. Synonyms: Mammillaria celsiana, Mammillaria neopotosina, Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii var.muehlenpfordtii
  2. Family: Cactaceae
  3. Subfamily: Cactoideae
  4. Tribe: Cacteae
  5. Subtribe: Cactinae

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Hardiness: USDA hardiness Zones 9b -3.9 °C (25 °F) to -1.1 °C (30 °F)

How to Grow and Care

Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii is not particularly difficult in one's roots. No special cultural requirements.

It is a kind of easy flowering and a relatively fast grower compared to other spherical species, the plant will increase the number of heads per dichotomous division. Large groups can be produced in a few years if the best conditions exist.

He likes very porous neutral or slightly alkaline cactus mix soils.
Should be watered generously during the growing season, but not on water (prone to rot), keep dry in winter. Water it less than average if in larger pots, small pots are preferred.

Feed with a fertilizer with high potassium content in the summer...– See more at:HOW TO GROW AND CARE FOR MAMMILLARIA

Origin: Native to México.

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