Ledebouria galpinii

Ledebouria galpinii is Solitary to gregarious, deciduous, bulbous plant, forming small clusters. Bulbs small and whitish in colour. Usually producing 3 or 4, somewhat succulent leaves in summer, simultaneously with or before the flowers,  lanceolate to broadly triangular, dark purplish green, appressed to the soil and adorned with pits on the upper surface, lower surface plain green or green suffused with purple.Inflorescences usually between 1 and 3, are produced in early spring into summer (October to November). 

The decumbent inflorescences hang outward and turn upward towards the apex, which bears multiple, pink to lilac flowers. Each individual floret is attached to the peduncle by a slender, purplish green pedicel (flower stalk). The individual florets are comprised of 6, recurved, pink to lilac tepals (petals). Stamens lilac, extending beyond the tepals, bearing small, pale yellow anthers at their tips.

  • Scientific Name: Ledebouria galpinii (Baker) S.Venter & T.J.Edwards
  • Synonyms: Scilla galpinii
  • Common names: Kaapsche-Hoop African hyacinth
  • Family: Asparagaceae
  • Subfamily: Scilloideae
  • Tribe: Hyacinthaceae
  • Subtribe: Massoniinae
  • Genus: Ledebouria

source pic: pinterest.com

How to Grow and Care 

Ledebouria galpinii is very easy to maintain in cultivation. The species is best suited to containers in full sun or well-lit dappled shade, in a cool climate. The bulbs should be planted in a very sandy, mineral soil, with small amounts of sifted kraal (cattle) manure, well-aged compost and some peat added. Watering should be generous in the summer growing period, and is best completely withheld in the dry winter dormancy.

In their natural habitat, the species would receive abundant moisture from soaking rain and condensation from frequent mist.

They prefer a cool climate where summer temperatures seldom go above 25ºC, and can withstand very cold temperatures in winter when the soil is usually almost completely dry and the plants are dormant. During the dry winter dormancy period, the pots should be moved out of the rain and placed in a dry, cool area with good air movement... Learn more at: 

Ledebouria galpinii is native to South Africa.


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