In This way you can make a fig tree in 30 days from Cuttings

If you are one of those who loves to plant trees and watch them grow, in this video we show you a very simple method to achieve a fig tree in just 30 days. For this, we will only need certain instruments that we can find at home and the willingness to start the planting process. One of the things that we should consider most important during this process is the cleaning of the branches that we are going to plant.

The first thing is to choose a woody branch and cut the leaves that do not work. Then cut the branch every 25 centimeters and remove the fungus with a toothbrush to prevent them from rotting. After washing the branches, place them on absorbent paper leaving part of them out of it and close the paper. Now, let's moisten the paper or kitchen towel without putting the branches together.

The next step is to look for airtight bags to put the branches inside and put those airtight bags in another bag where they may have darkness, and place it in a place with good temperature. After 15 days the first ones will have sprouted and be ready to be planted. Check out the video that we present below and you can clearly see the process of planting a fig tree.

You can propagate many varieties of fruit trees with cuttings, but none roots more easily than the fig tree. Rooting is easier if you take cuttings during winter while the tree is dormant. These cuttings, called hardwood cuttings, are the type most commonly used for the propagation of figs.

Figs also spread from summer cuttings, also called softwood cuttings. Follow the same procedure, but it is useful to remove all the leaves and store the cuttings in the refrigerator for several weeks before planting them in pots. If you want to root leafy shoots, you must establish a regular fogging system for plants to thrive.

 After the fig cuttings have taken root, prepare your outdoor planting place. It is better to transplant them outdoors in late winter or early spring. Experts suggest that they be planted 5 to 6 cm deeper in the soil than in the pot. Fig trees can reach heights of 25 feet with a similar branch extension. The full sun and well-drained soil are essential for vigor and fruit production of their fig trees.