How to Grow Flower Bulbs in Water

For fragrant, beautiful blooms sprouting in your home even in the dead of winter, consider forcing bulbs. Forcing bulbs requires only water, a container and sometimes some rocks or marbles. It is easy enough to be a fun and educational project for children. 

A common, sweet-smelling bulb to grow in the winter is the grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum), which can grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. An even easier choice is the paperwhite narcissus (Narcissus tazetta), USDA zones 9 through 11.

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How to Force a Hyacinth

1:) Use a glass container designed to force hyacinth bulbs. The container, clear glass in an hourglass shape, is often called a "hyacinth glass." It has an upper portion where the bulb is placed so that it is suspended over the water-filled lower part. The roots grow down into the lower portion.

2:) Fill the bottom of the hyacinth glass with water (include clean decorative rocks or marbles if you choose) and place the hyacinth bulb into the top. Adjust the water level to make sure that the water reaches just below the bulb's wide base. The bulb should not be sitting in water.

3:) Put the hyacinth glass in a dark location with a temperature of 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit for three to four months. A refrigerator, unheated garage or basement are options for storage. Check the container weekly to maintain the water level.

4:) Bring the bulb out of cold storage when the shoots are 2 to 4 inches high. They will be yellowish-green and the roots will be growing into the bottom of the hyacinth glass.

5:) Place the container in a dimly lit area with a temperature of about 50 degrees F for up to four days to turn the shoots green, then move it to a bright window with temperatures of 60 degrees F. The bulb will flower approximately three weeks later. Bringing the bulbs into brighter, warmer areas gradually will cut down on shock.

How to Force a Paperwhite Narcissus

1:) Use a shallow dish or pan (3 to 4 inches deep) to force paperwhite narcissus bulbs. Spread pebbles, gravel or marbles over the bottom of the pan at a depth of 1 or 2 inches, then fill it with water. Place the narcissus bulbs in the pan so they are held in place by the rocks (but not covered by them). Cluster the bulbs together tightly for stability and aesthetics. Ensure that the wide base of the bulb is in the water.

2:) Place the container with the bulbs in a bright, sunny window. The temperature should be cool -- 50 to 60 degrees F is best to keep shoots short and strong and prevent them from tipping. Roots will develop within two or three days; flowers will bloom in approximately one month.

3:) Store extra paperwhite narcissus bulbs in the refrigerator. Start them every two weeks to have containers of bulbs blooming continuously all winter.

Things You Will Need

Hyacinth glass
Decorative rocks
Shallow dish or pan
