Hoodia gordonii

 Hoodia '' Hoodia gordonii '', which grows in the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa, has been popular in the media lately. For centuries, San Bushmen in the desert have used this plant for fighting off hunger and thirst during long hunts. Hoodia are grayish-green to pale brown, cylindrical, up to 3.3 feet (1 m) tall and up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. 

The flowers are saucer-shaped, 5-lobed, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in diameter, pale straw, pale purple to dark maroon and normally borne in early spring. Hoodia supplements claim to make you lose weight fast. Many people turn to Hoodia because they think it is a miracle pill that will shed the pounds, without their having to put any effort.

  1. Scientific Name: Hoodia gordonii (Masson) Sweet ex Decne
  2. Common Names: Hoodia
  3. Synonyms: Stapelia gordonii (basionym), Hoodia barklyi, Hoodia burkei, Hoodia longispina, Ceropegia gordonii
  4. Family: Apocynaceae
  5. Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae
  6. Tribe: Stapeliae
  7. Genus: Hoodia

source pic: Pinterest.com, llifle.com

How to Grow and Care

Consider Hoodia’s natural desert environment. In the desert the sun will heat up the surface stones and sand sometimes to well over 122 degrees. There can then be short intense thunderstorms which will create a short period of very warm and very humid weather. Hoodia has a very short germination period, usually within 3 days. 
The seeds will germinate and grow roots quickly to draw in the moisture 
held under the surface. The desert air in their native environment is always blowing, so 
the humidity will be gone within a couple days.

 While zone 11 lowest temperatures average around 50 degrees, Hoodia can take a few nights with temperatures in the 30’s, if they are protected from dew setting on the crowns of the stems. Shade cloth will provide enough protection from the dew.  
 I also shield my plants with plastic during winter rains... - Learn more at  HOW TO GROW AND CARE Hoodia


Hoodia gordonii grows naturally in a very wide area of the Kalahari desert in South Africa and Namibia. It is also found in the deserts of Botswana and Angola.

Links: Back to genus  Hoodia
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