Euphorbia obesa 'Baseball Plant'

 Euphorbia obesa is a subtropical succulent species of Euphorbia genus. It can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall and up to 3.5 inches (9 cm) in diameter. It comes from South Africa, especially in the Cape Province. The plant is dioecious, which means that a subject has only male or female flowers. Small inflorescence borne on short peduncle from stem apices. Female and male flower are born on different plants. The fruit is a slightly three angled capsule, up to 0.3 inch (7 mm) in diameter.Stem color red, green, purple or more than one color there are different patterns stipes dot, the shape like little ball round or flattened, shape of the cactus resemble to Sea urchin body.  

  1. Scientific Name: Euphorbia obesa Hook.
  2. Common Names: Basketball, Sea Urchin, Baseball, Living Baseball, Baseball Plant, Gingham, Golf Ball, Vetmensie, Klipnoors
  3. Family: Euphorbiaceae
  4. Subfamily: Euphorbioideae
  5. Tribe: Euphorbieae
  6. Subtribe: Euphorbiinae
  7. Genus: Euphorbia

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USDA hardiness zones 10a to 11b: from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).

How to Grow and Care

Euphorbias are very easy to care for. They require a little pampering to become established, but once they are, they are self-sufficient. In fact, more die from too much care and watering than from neglect. Euphorbias need well-draining soil and lots of sunlight. They are not particular about soil pH, but they cannot tolerant wet soil. 
Unlike most succulents, Euphorbia does not handle long periods of drought well. It may need weekly watering during the summer. Water whenever the soil is dry several inches below the surface. Water deeply, but don’t let them sit in wet soil, which can cause root rot. Add some organic matter or fertilizer to the planting hole. If you are growing them in containers or your soil is poor, feed with a half-strength fertilizer monthly.
Euphorbia can be grown from seed, but they can be difficult to germinate (or even find).
 It is usually propagated by cuttings. This can be tricky, because of the exuding sap. 
Rooting hormone is recommended with Euphorbias…– See more at:HOW TO GROW AND CARE FOR Euphorbia

Origin: Euphorbia obesa is an endemic species, found in Kendrew, a small area of the Great Karroo, the Northern Cape region of South Africa, in the Graaff-Reinet district.

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