Did you know? Banana Peel is good for Flowers

There are many benefits of Bananas for humans. but did you know that it is good for your plants too? Here are tips for using banana peel and making your plants thrive

Liquid organic fertilizer from banana peels

Natural liquid banana peel is easy to make, and you need more banana peel and a bucket of water. First you need to wash and clean banana bark and bark thoroughly dried.

Banana skin put in a bucket with water and forget about it for several days. After a few days you will receive a tea that is rich in minerals, and to your flower and vegetable beams provide better growth.

When watering the plants, it is best to make a mixture of stale water and fresh in a 1: 5 ratio. To maximize the effect of this fertilizer, it would be ideal to dry the bark in the sun.

Banana peel for flowering

Potassium is especially good for flowering, especially for flowers that have large flower heads, such as ornamental onions and peony. Banana potassium facilitates the transfer of nutrients and water between plant cells, and protects against disease by making plant stems firmer.

All you need to do is cut the banana peels into smaller pieces and chop them in a blender. Then move the mulch around the plants you want to feed and place the paste in place of the roots.

Recipe for liquid banana peel fertilizer

Experienced gardeners and experts find it most appropriate and efficient to prepare and use an aqueous extract prepared as follows. It goes without saying that the first step is to clean, wash and thoroughly dry the bark, which must be natural.

The crust of about 3 or 4 bananas should be placed in a container of three liters of water. After five days, the tincture should be filtered.

After filtration by tincture, plants can be watered, and this liquid fertilizer can be stored and stored for about a month, until there is no trace of fermentation.