Aloinopsis luckhoffii

Aloinopsis luckhoffii  is a relatively small genus of ice plants from South Africa, whose genus name stands for "similar to an Aloe".  is a succulent who forming dense mats of low, clustered rosettes, up to 2 inches (5 cm) tall and up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) in diameter. These plants have a rather large tuberous root system, and is occasionally cultivated for their looks. They also tend to grow more "heads" when they are raised. Most Aloinopsis are winter growers, and can be fussy about too much water at the wrong time.

Triangular to tapered smooth blue- to grey-green spotted leaves, yellow flowers. Sow Autumn.

  1. Scientific Name: Aloinopsis luckhoffii (L.Bolus) L.Bolus
  2. Synonyms: Titanopsis luckhoffii (basionym), Nananthus luckhoffii
  3. Family: Aizoaceae
  4. Subfamily: Ruschioideae
  5. Genus: Aloinopsis

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How to Grow and Care

Aloinopsis luckhoffi is not difficult to grow. The tips for its cultivation are the same to the ones given for the other plants of Aloinopsis genus. It needs bright light except during the hottest hours of the day. Water it once a week during the summer and every 2-3 weeks in the other seasons. Its substrate should be well-drained: a cactus mix could suit it needings. 
Aloinopsis is a genus of dwarf plants, so repotting is seldom necessary. This plant can survive to minimum temperatures of -4ºC, but it’s actually better to keep them indoors in winter.


Propagation can be made either by cuttings or by seeds. Seeding should be done in dry substrate. Cuttings can be taken from the many rosettes of the plant, especially where the roots emerge...