Aloe arborescens 'Torch plant'

 Aloe arborescens is an evergreen succulent shrub-like plant growing up to 5 metres tall. The stem, which is up to 30cm in diameter, branches at or near the base and is much branched above. 
Each stem is topped with a rosette of long, grey-green leaves armed with conspicuous pale teeth.The plant is sometimes gathered from the wild for medicines and as a local source of nectar. It is grown commercially in some areas as a medicinal plant and is frequently used for hedges and living fences. It is also commonly grown as a garden ornamental.

  • Scientific Name: Aloe arborescens Mill.
  • Common Names: Shrub aloe, Kidachi aloe, Krans aloe, Krantz aloe (South Africa), Mountain bush aloe, Sword aloe, Barbados aloe, Medicinal aloe, Octopus, , Candelabra aloe, Candelabra plant, Octopus plant, Torch plant, Woody aloe 
  • Synonyms: Aloe arborescens subsp. arborescens, Aloe fructicosa, Aloe perfoliata var. arborescens, Catevala arborescens
  • Family: Asphodelaceae
  • Subfamily: Asphodeloideae
  • Tribe: Aloeae
  • Species: A. arborescens 
  • Genus: Aloe

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How to Grow and Care 

Aloe Arborescens plant is a fast-growing plant and grows both as a window plant and as a floor plant if it outgrows its old spot.

The size of the plant varies. Some grow to over 5′ feet tall with rosettes around 18″ inches wide if given the right growing conditions and space. Once the plant outgrows the windowsill, it will need moving to a bigger spot as a floor plant.

However, to keep the plant small, prune branches at the risk of affecting the overall shape of the plant.  

Candelabra propagates easily during spring from sideshoots. Remove the lower leaves and allow the cutting to dry before placing the cutting in small pots filled with cactus soil. Water the soil sparingly. Too much water can cause the cutting to rot... Learn more at: HOW TO GROW AND CARE ALOE


Aloe arborescens is endemic to the south eastern part of Southern Africa. 

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