17 Best indoor Plants

 If you would like to grow indoor plants, but since you have not just decided, you will be interested in this selection of the 17 best indoor plants that we present today. They are ideal plants for growing indoors because they can all grow perfectly without too much ambient light. Most do not also need direct sun exposure.

1.Dracaena, the well-known dracenas, is made up of 50 species of plants that are easy to grow and are also very decorative. A slight pruning from time to time and regular watering and content is all they need.

2. Bromeliad is an ideal plant to grow indoors, most varieties of this plant thrive easily in the shade. In fact it is a tropical plant but it can grow anywhere when grown indoors. It can even grow perfectly only with artificial light.

3. Adiantum is a genus of ferns belonging to the Adiantáceas family. Its leaves are very delicate but they are not too difficult plants to grow. They need a humid and gloomy environment.

4. Chamaedorea elegans is the best known of indoor palms. It needs minimal maintenance and very little light to thrive. It should only be watered when the soil is very dry, it is very sensitive to excessive irrigation.

5. Cyperus alternifolius belongs to the same genus as the papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) but is native to Madagascar. It is grown as an indoor plant although it can also be grown in ponds and on any terrain, the truth is that it can grow anywhere.

6. Sansevieria trifasciata is a plant that hardly needs care. It can grow in the darkest environments of the house. And it is also very resistant.

7. Ficus pumila or climbing fig tree is a small creeping plant that can be grown perfectly indoors because it does not need direct sunlight. There are varieties with very varied foliage that are highly decorative.

8. Philodendron is a genus of plants composed of more than 700 different species. The majority are climbing plants and are native to tropical areas of America. It can grow very well indoors, but it needs a bright environment, although it does not receive the sun directly.

9. Calathea is also made up of plants native to the tropical areas of America. It needs diffused light, no sun, it does not support temperatures below 18ºC, it needs a very humid atmosphere and frequent watering.

10. Maranta leuconeura or prayer plant is also an American tropical plant. You need an average temperature of about 15ºC to grow properly. It also needs abundant irrigation, especially in summer, and an environment with very high humidity.

11. Sword fern, Polystichum munitum, needs acid soils and moist environments. It does not tolerate direct sunlight and although it requires frequent watering, the soil must be well drained.

12. Peperomia is a genus of plants composed of more than 800 species. Due to its thick foliage it is often considered succulent although it is not. Peperomias like slightly damp soil but irrigation should be reduced in winter. Spraying the leaves of the plant with water is useful to maintain the level of humidity you need.

13. Epipremnum aureum, known as potos, is a climbing plant ideal for growing in dimly lit environments. You need an ambient temperature between 17ºC and 30ºC.

14. Carex morowii likes partial shade and wet soils. It is a type of sedge that is also used as a upholstery plant for shady areas and wet floors. Its foliage is also very attractive when grown indoors.

15. Chlorophytum comosum is a plant native to South Africa. Its foliage is green with cream-colored stripes, very attractive and decorative. Ideal for growing in hanging baskets or pots or by the window. You need a very bright environment but without direct sun that can burn the leaves.

16. Spathiphyllum is a genus of flowering plants with species spread throughout the world. Tropical America and Mexico, Malaysia and the western part of the Pacific. Its flowers are delicate and of great beauty. They are easy to grow and maintain, they hardly need water or light to survive.

17. Aglaonema is another plant that tolerates very well the lack of light. You need intense and regular watering as well as an environment with high humidity. It is a plant very sensitive to cold.