Tradescantia Pallida: The Purple Heart

Tradescantia pallida is a tender evergreen perennial native to northeast Mexico (from Tamaulipas to Yucatan) grown as an ornamental for its striking purple foliage. Originally named Setcreasea pallida by Joseph Nelson Rose in 1911, it was reclassified in the genus Tradescantia by D.R. Hunt of the Royal Botanic Garden Kew in 1975. The former name S. pallida or S. purpurea is still often used.

Scientific Name:
Tradescantia pallida (Rose) D.R.Hunt
Common Names: Wandering Jew

Setcreasea pallida (basionym), Setcreasea jaumavensis, Setcreasea lanceolata, Setcreasea purpurea, Tradescantia purpurea

source: pinterest

Scientific Classification
Family: Commelinaceae
Subfamily: Commelinoideae
Tribe: Tradescantieae
Subtribe: Tradescantiinae
Genus: Tradescantia


Commonly called Purple Heart or Purple Heart Wandering Jew (and occasionally “Moses in the Basket,” although this usually refers to a different species) this herbaceous plant in the Commelinaceae (spiderwort family) is a low-growing trailer that is hardy in zones 7-10, but is easily grown as an annual or houseplant in colder climates.

Some tests have also shown that this wandering jew can help absorb heavy metals in soil. There’s still more testing that needs to happen, but it’s clear that this plant will make your life better in more ways than one.

How to grow and care 

Growing Tradescantia is easy and you will find the plants to be quite resilient. These plants typically grow in moist, well-drained and acidic (pH 5 to 6) soil. Tradescantias do best in partial shade but will do equally well in sunny areas as long as the soil is kept moist.

Once your wandering Jew is in its new container, place the container in a sink or bathtub. Water the soil until you see water come out the drainage holes. Allow the soil to drain for one hour to keep dripping water from damaging your furniture or flooring. After an hour, place your wandering Jew in a bright location in your home. Avoid locating the plant where it will receive direct sunlight. Water the plant often enough to keep the soil moist but not wet. As your wandering Jew grows, pinch it back to encourage fuller growth. Left to grow without pinching, the plant can get leggy.

Cut the stems back about 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) from the ground…– See more at: Wandering Jew Plants – How To Grow and care

Native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico.
Subspecies, Varieties, Forms, Cultivars and Hybrids
Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'

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