Mammillaria Bocasana

Mammillaria bocasana is a formation of lumps, spherical, blue-green belonging to cacti (cactaceae), up to 7.5 cm (3 inches) in diameter, with white, hair-shaped radial spines (one hooked), up to 2 cm (0.8 inches) long and 1 to 7 central reddish-brown spines up to 1 cm (0.4 inches) long.

The flowers are funnel-shaped, creamy white to pink, up to 2.5 cm (1 inch) long and up to 1.5 cm (0.6 inch) in diameter. The fruit is cylindrical, pinkish pink to red and measures up to 2.5 cm (1 inch) long.

Scientific name - mammillaria bocasana
Mammillaria Bocasana Poselg.

Common names
Powder Puff Cactus, Powder Puff Pincushion, Powderpuff Pincushion Cactus, Snowball Cactus, Hooks

Mammillaria bocasana subsp. Bocasana, Mammillaria haehneliana, Mammillaria knebeliana, Mammillaria seideliana, Neomammillaria bocasana

Family: Cactaceae
Subfamily: Cactoideae
Tribe: Cacteae
Subtribute: Cactinae
Genus: Mammillaria

Photo source: Valentino Vallicelli

Mammillaria bocasana is originally from Mexico (San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas).

TIPS: How to grow and care

This cactus is only suitable for outdoor life in areas with USDA plant resistance from 8 to 11. For gardeners in most areas, only puff pastry cactus in indoor pots is an option.

The bocasana mammillaria need plenty of sunlight and warm temperatures. It is happy as long as the temperatures are between 70 and 80 ° F (21 to 27 ° C) and at least 8 hours of sunlight.

During the winter, it becomes inactive and can be kept in a cool, dry room in the house. Exposure to temperatures between 60 and 65 ° F (16 and 18 ° C) helps to encourage flowering in spring. Move the Powder Puff Cactus outside in summer.

The potting soil should be porous so it can drain well. Allow the soil to dry between waterings almost, but then water it completely. Never leave the pots in the water. Suspend watering in winter, but occasionally spray.

Fertilize the mammillaria bocasana cactus in spring with a 5-10-5 liquid fertilizer. Continue to feed the potted plant in summer, every month. Suspend the fertilizer in autumn and winter when the plant is dormant.

Subspecies, Varieties, Forms, Cultivars and Hybrids.
Mammillaria bocasana var. Splendens
Mammillaria bocasana ‘Fred’
Mammillaria bocasana ‘Multilanata’
Mammillaria bocasana ‘Roseiflora’


TIPS: How to Grow and Care for a Powder Puff Cactus (Mammillaria bocasana)