How to Grow and Care Parodia ''Ball Cactus''

The Parodia genus includes a multitude of showy and easy-to-grow small ball cacti. After a reorganization of the genus, the Parodia genus now includes plants that were formerly known as notocactus, eriocactus, and brasilicactus.

Parodia is native to central South America, where they enjoy somewhat more moisture than most people associate with cacti. They are also not full-sun plants, but especially during the summer months of strong sun, they appreciate some daytime shade. Older plants will frequently produce flowers in yellow, red, orange, or pink, depending on the species. Overall, these are easy and excellent beginning cacti.

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Origin: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina

Habitat: The habitat where this plant come from can become very cold during the winter nights, often it will fall to just above freezing without harming the plants as it is also very dry.

Soil: Parodia/ Notocactus are found mostly on "islands" of low rocky hills found in grasslands and forests, growing between cracks in the rocks or in the shade of larger growing plants. The soil there is well drained and has a fairly high organic content, derived from the decomposition of other plants. 

So the proper soil for Parodia/Notocactus should be well-drained and have high organic content. 

Temperature: The habitat where Parodia/Notocactus come from can become very cold during the winter nights; often it will fall to just above freezing without harming the plants as it is also very dry. When growing at home it is best to avoid any frost as you may loose the plant but during the winter the temperature can be as low as 2C without any harm so long as the compost is very dry.

Watering: The plants in the cold country should be kept almost completely dry during the winter months, only water them to prevent the roots from completely drying out, once a month should be fine. From March onwards the plant will begin to grow and watering should be increased gradually until late May when the plant should be in full growth.

But I am in Thailand, warm location; I also water my cacti every 2-4 days upon the sun exposure and season.

Lighting: Grow most species of Notocactus in full sun during the summer and winter avoiding only the harshest summer sun. 

During the summer it is best to keep the plants outside. Keeping the plants in full sun will make them look healthier and will result in stronger and more colorful spination. If kept too dark they may become overly lush and could be prone to rotting due to over watering, they will also be shy to produce flowers.

As the sunshine here (Thailand) is severe, especially in summer, my greenhouse also has the shading net to reduce the sunlight and protect the plants to be burn.


Parodia cacti can be propagated easily from offsets, which readily form in clusters around the base of the mother plant.

To propagate, carefully remove the offset and allow the cut section to dry on a paper towel for a few days. Depending on the size of the cut area, a callous will form over the cut surface. Once the callous has formed, place the new plant in a pot with a potting soil mixture and keep in a warm place until new roots emerge. 

Once the plant is established, repot it into a regular container. Parodia is also relatively easy to grow from seeds. Once the sprouts have emerged, keep them regularly moist for the few months and be prepared to wait. Some of the more common Parodia species can take a long time to grow to a decent size.


Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. To repot cacti, make sure the soil is dry before repotting, then gently remove the pot. Knock away the old soil from the roots, making sure to remove any rotted or dead roots in the process. Treat any cuts with a fungicide. Place the plant in its new pot and backfill with potting soil, spreading the roots out as you repot. Leave the plant dry for a week or so, then begin to water lightly to reduce the risk of root rot.

Ball cacti are ribbed and relatively small. Common Parodia includes P. scopa, which was previously classified as a notocactus and has yellow flowers, P. microsperma, a small ball cactus that blooms heavily with red or yellow flowers and is relatively common, and P. chrysacanthion, which features straight spines and yellow flowers. Whatever species you choose, they all enjoy similar treatment.

Grower's Tips

If you can grow cacti and succulents successfully, you can likely grow the popular Parodia without too much trouble. It's key to remember, however, that Parodia doesn't like direct sunlight and are accustomed to more water than many other cacti species. It's imperative that the cactus is not exposed to prolonged dampness and sitting water. Never let your cactus sit in a dish of water. To encourage better flowering, allow the plants to enjoy a cooling period in the winter and dramatically cut back watering. Unlike other cacti species, however, you don't need to stop watering entirely. Lastly, make sure to fertilize during the growing season for the best results.