How to Grow and Care Agave

Agave, called maguey in Mexico, provided food, drink, medicine, clothing and building materials to ancient civilizations. It was an important crop to the Aztecs, second only to corn. Although agave has been used as food for centuries, some varieties contain toxic compounds that can cause mouth, throat or skin irritation. 

Agave grows best in semi-arid, low-nutrient soils, withstanding both heat and cold. Members of the agave or Agavaceae family are succulents. Most grow in a rosette pattern and bloom only once. Insects or diseases rarely bother agave when it is grown with care.

Types of Agave

Almost every climate is capable of growing agave as some are hardy down to single digits for short periods of time and with shelter. Agave is in the Agavaceae family of succulents which include dracaena, yucca and ponytail palms.

The century plant (Agave americana) is one of the most notorious landscape agaves. It produces a lovely inflorescence (flower) and then the main plant dies, leaving behind pups or offsets. The American agave or American aloe, as it is also called, has a white stripe running down the center of the leaves. It is a warm season agave only.

There are many other types of agave, which makes it easy to find and garden with this stunning plant. Some of these include:

  • Agave parryi
  • Agave ocahui
  • Agave macroacantha
  • Agave gigantensis

Suggested Agave Varieties

  • Agave attenuata - A popular spineless variety also known as the Foxtail or Dragon-Tree Agave. It grows about four to five feet tall and a bit wider.
  • Agave parviflora - Leaves have white, graphic markings and curling filaments that give it a hairy look. It only gets about six inches tall and blooms in six to eight years with green flowers on a four-to-six ft. spike.
  • Agave tequilana azul - Weber's Blue Agave is used to make tequila, in Jalisco, Mexico, but it is also a very attractive garden plant, reaching upwards of six ft. tall and flowering in six to eight years with a 15 ft. spike of yellow blooms.
  • Agave victoria-reginae - As the plant matures, the broad leaves cup inward, forming a dome. It reaches a height of about 12 inches. Cream flowers appear in 20-30 years.

source photo: Pinterest

How to grow and care 

Whale’s tongue agave is a drought tolerant, winter hardy, and low maintenance succulent. Although the plants love full sun, they can grow well in partially shady areas. Ideal to keep as accent plants by a sunny window, Agave  works well with well-drained soils and low moisture.

Light and Temperature:

Since they are drought tolerant, the plants grow well in full sun to light shade in USDA Hardiness Zones 7-11. They are slow-growing and thrive on a bit of neglect, which makes them perfect for succulent gardens. The plants can tolerate more shade when the climate is hotter.

Water and Humidity:
The plant’s water needs are low. However, with regular irrigation, they grow in size and colonize unwanted areas quickly. When you’re first establishing the young plants outdoors, water them every 4-5 days in the first month.

After that, water them once a week, and gradually reduce the number of times you water to every other week until they fully mature. Once established, water them occasionally – once every couple of weeks in summer and monthly in winter – to maintain healthy roots. Give additional water only when the top inch or two of the soil seems dry.


Agaves can tolerate any well-draining soil; however, they mostly prefer sandy or rocky soil. The plants aren’t particular about the soil pH. If you can, make sure to grow them under sun from the beginning instead of transplanting.

The plants don’t need fertilizing. Feeding generally encourages flowers and that would mean death for the Agave. Therefore, if you want the plants to live for longer, don’t fertilize them at all.


Here are the easy steps to transplant this succulent to your garden. Start by putting on heavy leather gloves as the plants have dangerous spikes on their sides.

Choose a nice spot in your garden with dry, sandy soil and full sun. Take it out of its pot and dig up a hole a little bigger than the root ball.
Gently tilt the agave on its side and prune off any roots that look broken, diseased or mushy.

Carefully lift the agave and set it upright into the hole. Add or remove soil accordingly so that the base of the agave is leveled with the top of the soil. Using your hands, back-fill the hole and pat down the soil firmly.
In order to anchor the roots in place, place 3-5 stones spaced 2-4″ apart around the plant’s base.
If the weather is hot and dry, place a shade cloth over the agave plant. Make sure to remove it once new growth appears.
Water the plant entirely and give it ample sunshine.


Agave  can be propagated from seed and bulbils. As it doesn’t produce offsets, you can sow the seeds in early spring, when the temperature is 55-70°F (13-21°C). Make sure not to plant agave plants on roadsides or near pets and children as they have sharp teeth. Since they’re solitary, choose a well-lit, remote spot in your garden for propagation.


The Whale’s tongue agave should ideally be pruned at the end of winter. Use a clean, sharp knife to trim off dead leaves, reshape the plant, and prevent overcrowding. However, cutting too much can stress the succulent and impede its ability to store water.

Pests and Problems of Agave Plants

Agaves have very few problems. The agave snout weevil will burrow into the plant’s center to lay its eggs, causing the plant to collapse. Unfortunately, you probably won’t notice this until it’s too late. Remove the plant and check for any remaining grubs.

Agave Plant Care in Pots
Agave that are grown in pots require even more grit in the soil and can actually be planted in a cactus mix. The addition of small rocks or pebbles to the soil increases the drainage capabilities of the container.

Agave plants in containers will require more water than those in the ground and will need to be re-potted every year or so to replenish soil and root prune the plant. Agave plant care for container grown plants is otherwise the same and it affords you the ability to bring sensitive forms indoors when temperatures plummet.