Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii “Moon Cactus”

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii “Moon Cactus” is a small globose cactus of the Family Cactaceae very popular in collections around the world as a grafted cactus due to the absence of chlorophyll pigments, that is, the chlorophyll-free varieties are the most cultivated compared to the type species. 

This species is native to South America but its ornamental value has caused its expansion to collections from all continents.

The type species is characterized by forming a green globose stem with shades of gray, the apex depressed and with a size of approximately 5-10 cm in height by 5-8 cm in diameter, maybe a little more. 6-8 ribs are pronounced with the wavy margin and the pronounced areolas, that is, the lowest areas of the rib margin are observed between the areolas. 

source: Pinterest

The thorns arise from the areolas (usually 6 but may exist 4-5), they are less than 3 cm long (in some varieties they can be a little longer), very curved and brown.

Common Name: 
Ruby red cactus, moon cactus, ruby ball cactus, red top, or red cap cactus

Species: G. mihanovichii


Echinocactus mihanovichii Fric & Gürke
Gymnocalycium friedrichii

How to grow and care 

If you can grow cacti and succulents successfully, you can likely grow the ruby ball cactus without too much trouble. These plants are popular in cactus dish gardens.

The ruby ball is an albino plant, which means it has no chlorophyll. Therefore, it relies on the rootstock cactus as a food source. It has a parasitic relationship. If there is a disconnect between the requirements of cactus on the bottom and the scion on top, one or both may die.

Like many cacti, they prefer a drying period between waterings, even to the point where they slightly wilt. When you water, however, you should water deeply. The plant will noticeably plump up. It is imperative that the cactus is not exposed to prolonged dampness and standing water or else it may develop root rot. 
Make sure to fertilize the cactus during the growing season for the best results... Learn more at  TIPS: How to Grow and Care for Gymnocalycium  

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