Epiphyllum Oxypetalum

Epiphyllum Oxypetalum ‘Queen Of The Night’ is one of the most largely cultivated epiphyllum species out there. It is native to Southern Mexico and a wide area in South America. Often grown as houseplants, these beautiful plants are mostly epiphytic, which means in its native habitat it grows on the surface of other plants.

The Epiphyllum Oxypetalum is an erect or semi-erect, branched epiphytic cactus, up to 6 m (20 feet) tall, with cylindrical stems, with elliptical branches, leaf-like, scalloped and dark green.

The large, white funnel-shaped flowers measure up to 28 cm (11 inches) long and up to 13 cm (5 inches) wide. This fragrant night bloom opens late in the afternoon and closes again at dawn. The flowers are followed by angular fruits, purplish red, angled, small, up to 10 cm (4 inches) long.

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Scientific name
Epiphyllum oxypetalum (DC.) Haw.

Common names
Dutch Cactus Pipe, Queen of the Night, Orchid Cactus, Jungle Cactus, Blooming Cactus, Blooming Cereus

Oxypetalus Cereus (basionym), latifrons cereus, Epiphyllum acuminatum, Large Epiphyllum, Latiprons Epiphyllum, Epiphyllum purpusii, Phyllocactus acuminatus, Phyllocactus grandis, Latifrons Phyllocactus, Phylocactus latifrons, Phyllocactus oxtal

◆ Family: Cactaceae
◆ Subfamily: Cactoideae
◆ Tribe: Hylocereeae
◆ Genus: Epiphyllum

Native to Central America and northern South America.

How to grow and care

Epiphyllum are often grown as houseplants, as they are relatively trouble free. From mid spring to late summer, water the plants when the compost begins to dry, but don't let the plants stand in the water. Apply biweekly cactus fertilizer.

To stimulate flowering, move Epiphyllum in winter to a cooler place, around 11-14 ° C (52-57 ° F) and keep the compost only moist until the flower buds form. Once this has happened, increase the temperature and resume the normal irrigation regime.

Epiphyllum cacti are prone to several common problems of indoor and greenhouse plants: bed bugs, aphids and red mites.

The two most successful propagation methods are by seed and cuttings. Sow seeds in spring or summer.

Plant Type: Perennial
◆ Height: 10 feet
◆ Leaf Type: Succulent
◆ Flower Color: White
◆ Flower Size: 11 inches in length and 5 inches in width
◆ Flowering Season: Late spring, Early summer, Mid summer, Late Summer
◆ Maintenance Category: Low
◆ USDA hardiness zone: 10-11
◆ Soil: Well-drained, slightly-moist
◆ Soil Type: Slightly acidic, with soil pH within 5.5 to 6.5
◆ Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light or partial shade
◆ Watering Requirement: Average watering needs
◆ Propagation: By dividing herbaceous stem cuttings or rhizomes

◆ Foliage Color: Green