Echinopsis Chamaecereus - Peanut Cactus

Echinopsis chamaecereus is a species of mat forming  cactus with many crowded finger-like stems from mountains areas in Argentina, occurring at elevations to over 1200m (4000 feet). Established plants can reach a height of 15cm (6 inch) and width of 30cm (12 inch), with stems. With increasing age, however, the shoots of this cactus lengthen into cylindrical finger-like stems which are pale green, very soft and segmented lengthwise by 8 to 10 narrow, low ribs with broad, shallow indentations in between. 

The main stems are about 15cm (6 inch) long and 2cm (0.8 inch) in diameter and they tend to lie on the surface of the potting mixture with many much smaller branches distributed among them. This cactus branches and spreads so rapidly that it will cover the surface of a 15cm (6 inch) half-pot in two years. Each of the small areoles that are closely spaced along the ribs carries 10 to 15 short, whitish spines.

 Deep scarlet, cup-shaped flowers about 2.5cm (1 inch) wide are produced from the areoles in early summer. Individual flowers last about a day, but the flowering period extends for two to three weeks and Echinopsis chamaecereus will produce numerous blooms during early spring to early summer period under favourable conditions.

  • Scientific Name: Echinopsis Chamaecereus, Echinopsis chamaecereus H. Friedrich & Glaetzle
  • Common names: Peanut Cactus, Peanut Cactus
  • Synonyms: Chamaecereus sylvestrii, Chamaecereus silvestrii, Lobivia silvestri, Cereus silvestrii
  • Family: Cactaceae
  • Subfamily: Cactoideae
  • Tribe: Trichocereeae
  • Genus: Echinopsis
  • Species: E. chamaecereus

Origin: Echinopsis Chamaecereus  native to Argentina (Tucumán).

Hardiness zone: 10a-11

Temperature in rest period – min 2°C max 7°C (36-45°F)
Temperature in active growth period – min 16°C max 24°C (61-75°F)

How to grow and care

The peanut cactus needs a potting mix with good drainage. You should water the plant completely until the water passes through the holes in the pot and let the soil dry at least halfway through the pot before watering again.

In winter, the water must be reduced or retained. The plant will look wrinkled and the stems can acquire a reddish tinge, but the Peanut Cactus will be refilled again and will return to its normal color in the spring.

Succulent plants of this species grow well in hanging baskets or in nursery containers of 10 cm (4 inches), because the cactus has shallow roots. Hybrids can carry deeper pots. It is difficult to transplant old groups of the peanut cactus because the stems break so easily.

You can fertilize the cactus once a year during the growing season with a fertilizer balanced with half the recommended concentration. In areas with hot and dry summers, chamaecereus are grown in areas with partial shade. In areas with cool summers or in temperate climates, grow in full sun...Learn more at  TIPS: HOW TO GROW AND CARE ECHINOPSIS CHAMAECEREUS

Subspecies, Varieties, Forms, Cultivars and Hybrids.

  • E. chamaecereus f. crystal
  • E. chamaecereus ‘Annie’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘harlequin’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘boom’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘Cactus Art’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘Captain Jessop’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘yellow bird’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘lutea’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘Rose Quartz’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘violet’
  • E. chamaecereus ‘Westfield Alba’

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