Details on Clematis Flowers...

The Clematis vine – a gorgeous plant in any garden. Growing clematis pronounced (Klem’-a-tis) can add lots of color to your garden, and with many different sizes, you can fit one in any garden.

Many clematis vines reach out 10 to 30 feet or more. The small-flowered climbing species, frequently rampant growers, make ideal coverings for fences, pergolas, porches and walls.

They ramble informally over rocky slopes and tree stumps, and excel where luxuriant growth is desired.

The handsome less vigorous large-flowered hybrids work well for covering trellises, arbors, pillars and lamp posts.

Grow clematis outdoors in containers for movable color accents. The vines can be forced in a greenhouse or sunny room without much difficulty.

Clematis also come in smaller varieties as well. If you don’t have the room for larger varieties, use smaller shrubs sized varieties on your deck or patio.

Where To Grow Clematis Vines

Clematis vines are considered to be some of the best perennial vines for the garden growing. They grow in partial shade, but you’ll enjoy finer flowers if the top growth gets full sun.

Always keep roots shaded. A cool root-zone is essential for the surface-feeding roots. Low-growing, shallow-rooted plants around the base of the vines provide a natural and attractive protection.

Protection from high winds insures against stem breakage, which encourages disease. Select a situation where trees or buildings provide a natural windbreak.

Consider Your Area And Plant Size Carefully
Below buying or planting ask yourself this question. “How tall of a variety of Clematis can my space handle?” Some clematis varieties grow much taller than others and require some type of support like a trellis for your clematis to climb.

Flowers also come in a variety of colors and sizes, from medium to large sized and six to nine inches across.

Once you’ve answered these questions, you’re ready to select your plants. If you have room for a vine 10 – 20 feet in length or height, you’re sure to appreciate the variety of clematis available.

However, before you begin the process of choosing which clematis variety to place in your garden, ensure that it will receive up to six hours of sun in the location you select.

What To Look For When Buying A Healthy Clematis Vine
When shopping for clematis, consider all your options before you buy.

Look for plants in at least 1 gallon containers.
Choose a plant that looks healthy and robust.
Check for vigorous growth.
Purchase two or more clematis at a time to ensure good solid growth going in the area they are planting in.

Details On The Clematis Flower

Standard clematis blooms sport six to seven petals on it and can measure anywhere from five to nine inches across.

A few varieties have smaller flower size but most homeowners like the large flower varieties. Some varieties sport double blossoms and bell type flowers which also make unique additions to the garden.

Choose from a wine red flower to a lavender or deep purple. Some varieties even lean toward the yellow spectrum as well.

It’s important to note that the purple clematis vine will take a number of years before it fully matures and flower vigorously. If you’re in a hurry, you may wish to consider purchasing a two or three-year-old plant.
