Cereus peruvianus - Peruvian Apple

Cereus peruvianus is a large, erect, thorny columnar cactus up to 9m (30 feet) tall when growing in the wild. Though less gigantic in pots, they are much admired for their sculptural, columnar shape, which contrasts impressively with that of most other plants in any collection of cacti. Cereus peruvianus is native from rocky outcrops and the savanna in South America.


Cereus peruvianus is a bluish green single column that branches out toward the top in the wild, but is unlikely to do o as a potted plant. I has five to eight broad, prominent notched ribs separated by deep, narrow indentations. Areoles in the notches are filled with white hairs and each areole bears a cluster of about seven brown spines, which are unlikely to grow more than 1-2cm (0.4-0.8 inch) long indoors.

source: pinterest

Flowers which are generally produced on large specimens only, are about 15cm (6 inch) long and have white petals tinged with brownish green. Cereus peruvianus flowers in summer and opens at night time. Each flower blooms only one night and then dies.

The flowers are followed by red fruits 2.5-5cm (1-2 inch) in diameter.

Family: Cactaceae
Subfamily: Cactoideae
Tribe: Cereeae
Genus: Cereus

Cereus peruvianus

Common Names: Peruvian Apple, Peruvian Torch, Apple Cactus, Column Cactus, Hedge Cactus, Queen of the Night

Origin: South America.

Hardiness: Outdoor USDA Hardiness Zones 8 through 10

How to grow and Care

Temperatures averaging 60°F/°15.5C - 75°F/23.8°C is ideal from spring to fall and a cooler 50°F/10°C – 55°F/13°, after this period.
 The Peruvian apple cactus thrives on bright light and sun light, although direct sun when blazing hot is best avoided, when first introduced to direct sun.
 It's advisable to water this plant more often within the summer and much less, winter time. Like other desert type cacti their natural habitat is dry and they store water within the stems. Water this plant when the soil begins drying out, throughout spring and late summer. In late summer reduce watering until the next spring and allow the soil to be fairly dry.
 A fast draining pot mixture used for cactus plants is ideal.
While they're young they can be re-potted each year in spring. Once they mature re-pot only when necessary, with a slightly larger pot.

No misting is required. A well ventilated room during the summer is preferable.
This cacti is propagated with cuttings from the stem top (especially when it's growing too high), or offsets during spring or summer. They can also be propagated with seeds at temperatures from 70°F/°21C - 80°F/26.6°C, although this method is much more difficult than propagating cuttings. When using cuttings, allow the cutting a week or two to dry before planting in a peat based compost...