Angelonia Plant Care Tips: Growing Summer Snapdragons

Angelonia [Angel-on-ee-a] plants, also referred to as Angelonia Angustifolia, are a genus with more than 30 species, occurring from Argentina to Mexico.

These plants belong to the family Plantaginaceae along with Veronica spicata and Russelia Equisetiformis (firecracker plant).

These herbaceous plants mainly occur in semi-arid and arid habitats.

Angelonias are commonly known as summer snapdragons due to the production of beautiful flowers in abundance, which look similar to snapdragons.

These look like a finicky, delicate plant but are rather low maintenance. There are both annual and perennial varieties.

The USDA hardiness zones for this plant are 9 – 11.

Angelonia Plants Care
Size & Growth
The Angelonia plants grow around 18” inches high, and the foliage often gives off a fragrance of apple.

Flowering and Fragrance

Angelonia flowers grow on the rips of the upright main stems.

The flower color ranges from light pink, white, bluish-purple, and even bicolor.

These plants look great as flower beds, and don’t require deadheading to create a constant display of breathtaking bloomers.

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Light & Temperature

These plants prefer full sun to attain the energy needed to bloom continuously.

If the plants don’t receive six hours of direct sun daily, then they start becoming leggy, and the blooms are also sparse.

The summer snapdragon loves high humidity and hot weather, which is why these plants grow their best in southern areas, especially in the humid conditions.

These plants also grow well in the Southwest areas, provided they receive added watering.

Watering and Feeding
Plant Angelonia is drought tolerant, but it is essential to let the soil dry out between watering.

Give this plant water when the surface of the soil becomes dry.

If the plants have a proper drainage system, added moisture may be provided.

Feed these plants with light liquid fertilizers every month.

However, avoid overdoing it as a higher amount of fertilizer results in overgrown foliage and low amount of flowers.

Soil & Transplanting
The summer snapdragon tolerates a range of soils, as long as it is well-draining.

However, planting it in soil, which has a high amount of organic matter reduces the fertilizing and watering efforts.

The ideal pH level of the soil is acidic, between 5.5 and 6.2.

A sound drainage system is required to avoid the rotting of the roots.

Moist soil helps the growth of young seedlings.

These plants also grow well in containers or raised beds if there is the availability of heavy clay.

Grooming and Maintenance

These plants are low maintenance and don’t need a lot of work.

In case the plants start sprawling during the summer season, it is best to trim them to around half the height, so they are able to regrow and sprout more flowers.

How To Propagate Angelonias
Angelonia seeds and stem cuttings can quickly help in propagating these plants.

Cut out about 3” inches of the tip of the stem, with no flowers.

Remove most of the leaves, leaving behind a few at the top as the stem is not strong enough to support extra leaves on its own with a root system.

These cuttings should be dipped in a rooting hormone, and placed in moist soil.

Ensure the plants are placed around 12” inches apart.

Once new leaves start forming, transfer the plant in the garden.

Make sure to place this plant under direct sun or partial shade, setting it as bedding plant during late spring or a few weeks after the last frost.

Angelonia Plants Pest or Diseases
The main pest issue of Plant Angelonia is aphids, particularly during the initial growing season when these plants start entering their quick growth period.

Mist with insect soap lightly twice weekly to prevent and eliminate these pests.

Be on a lookout for powdery mildew as well.

These plants are deer-resistant and attract hummingbirds.

Summer Snapdragon Uses
This bedding plant looks excellent in flower beds, and also as container plants. Angelonia flowers are also used for borders as they create a striking garden display.

These work well in window boxes and pots, and also make stunning cut flowers.
