How to Grow ginger at home in a pot

If you can not imagine your life without ginger, try to cultivate on his window. You save a lot of money and you'll always have fresh roots.

The healing properties of ginger can go on for a long time, in them are many of you convinced. It is useful for strengthening the immune system and is particularly effective in fighting viral infections. 

But at the same time, the ginger is quite expensive pleasure. Do not spend money on the purchase, try the cultivation on their window. You always enjoy the fresh roots of this magical fruit.

In the home setting, Ginger feels very good. It is important to know that this plant vegetation period lasts 8-10 months. Ginger root is planted in February-March.

Before planting, roots need to wake up. Put it in a weak solution of water and permanganate (potassium permanganate, is sold in a pharmacy) and leave it there for several hours. Then put it in a plastic bag, while root gets eyes, as potatoes.

After that, the share root of several parts, each of which must have at least one well developed bud.

Plant these parts in a shallow but wide pots filled with soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1/2

First shoots should appear in 1-2 months. In good conditions, the roots can reach a height of one meter.

In the fall, when the shoots die off, remove the root, clean it from the earth and keep in a dry place. 

A portion of the extracted roots, can be used for food or medical treatment, and the other part to keep until the next season and be planted in the same way.

Fresh ginger root Keep the bottom shelf of your refrigerator for about a month, and dried (powdered) about 4 months.