Some cactus plants, like barrel types, produce smaller new plants around the base of the main plant. You can remove one of these smaller plants to grow into a new cactus. Removing the cutting and transplanting it properly prevents damage to the original plant and helps ensure the new cactus grows well.
Cut a segment from the cactus with a clean knife, selecting the segment from new growth and making the cut through the segment joint. Remove small plants from the base of a cactus by cutting through the new plant's base just beneath the soil surface.
Lay the cactus cutting on a paper towel in dry location away from direct sunlight. Set segment and barrel cuttings so the cut side is exposed to the air and not resting on the towel. Allow the cut to heal overnight, which minimizes disease problems as the cutting roots.
Fill a 4- to 6-inch-diameter pot with a potting soil formulated for cactus plants. Select pots with bottom drainage holes so the soil doesn't retain too much moisture.
Insert the cut end of the cactus segment piece into the soil just enough so the piece stands upright on its own. Push barrel cuttings into the soil so the bottom 1/4 to 1/2 inch of the cut end is buried in the soil. Water the soil just enough so it's barely moist. Too much moisture causes the transplanted cutting to rot.
Set the pot in a warm area that receives bright, indirect sunlight. Water the soil when it is almost completely dry, keeping it barely moistened. Cactus cuttings usually root within three weeks, which is indicated by new growth on the cutting.
Things You Will Need
- Paper towel
- Pot
- Cactus soil
Wrap a cutting in newspaper before removing it to protect your hands from pricks.
You can transplant rooted cuttings to the garden or allow them to grow on in the pot. If transplanting outdoors, select a sandy, well-drained area and plant the cutting at the same depth it was growing at in the pot.