How to Cut Back a Christmas Cactus

The winter-flowering Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi) features pink, red or white blooms that open around the holiday season. Although it can grow outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, it's most often grown as an indoor flowering plant. 

Christmas cactus doesn't have standard stems or leaves, but instead forms attached succulent leaf segments that produce flowers on the tips. Cutting back the leaf segments in early summer helps maintain the shape of your cactus and can improve flowering the following fall and winter.

Rinse a sharp knife in a solution of 1 part bleach and 9 parts water to disinfect it. Wash your hands with soap and water before pruning. Clean tools and hands prevent the spread of plant diseases.

Trim off the top one or two segments of each stem, cutting through the joint where the segments attach to each other. Cut back long, overgrown stems by more segments, if necessary, so all the stems are similar in length and no long, leggy stems remain.

Remove the trimmed segments from the pot. Don't leave them sitting on top the soil, where they can rot and harbor disease organisms or pests.

Water the Christmas cactus after trimming with a complete soluble cactus fertilizer, such as a 2-7-7 blend. Dissolve about 10 drops of the fertilizer in 1 quart of water. Continue to fertilize the cactus about once a month with this solution through mid-fall.

Things You Will Need
Soluble cactus fertilizer
The trimmed segments from your Christmas cactus can grow roots and become new plants. Plant the cut end of the segments into a moist, well-drained soil and they usually form roots and begin putting on new growth within a month.
Follow the directions on the fertilizer you use because dilution rates vary by brand.