What is a Rosette Succulent?

When looking through gardening catalogs or on the Internet, you may be confronted with the term “rosette”. Although it sounds like it ought to be the name of a plant, it actually is a description of how a plant grows. If a plant grows in a rosette form, the leaves will radiate from the center stalk either right at ground level or close to the ground. The term rosette is used because the pattern resembles the habit of a rose’s flower. Many types of plant grow in a rosette pattern.

Rosette Succulents
Most succulents that form rosettes maintain that form their entire lives. The rosette formation allows for maximum exposure to the sun while allowing the plants to capture and direct moisture toward the roots.

 Most succulents come from arid areas where thick leaves allow them to retain water. Many succulents also grow in more temperate areas. In warmer areas, Aloes and Agaves, which grow in USDA hardiness zones 8 and above, are good examples of plants with a rosette pattern. In more temperate areas, such as USDA hardiness zones 3 to 11, you can enjoy the rosette patterns of Sempervivums.

Rosette Succulents Care
Most rosette-forming succulents need at least half a day to a full day of sunlight. When planting in the garden, make sure the area drains well and is not in a low spot that would stay wet. For container planting you can purchase potting mix already prepared for these fleshy plants or, as some succulent enthusiast prefer to do, create your own. 

The container you are planting in should have a drainage hole. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Watering with a well balanced fertilizer once a month will be all they need.

Source: sfgate.com